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AFP support via netatalk

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Joined: 12 Jan 2009, 07:37

AFP support via netatalk

Post by Joachim »

Hi, everyone

I have, without luck, been trying to get AFP working on my Bubba|Two. Has anyone managed to get it working?

The package netatalk seems to install just fine - but when I try to start the service with a "/etc/init.d/netatalk restart" I get the following response:

Code: Select all

bubba:/etc/netatalk# /etc/init.d/netatalk restart
Restarting AppleTalk Daemons (this will take a while)Stopping AppleTalk Daemons: afpd papd timelord atalkd cnid_metad.
..Starting AppleTalk services (this will take a while): socket: Address family not supported by protocol
socket: Address family not supported by protocol
atalkd: can't get interfaces, exiting.
 atalkd papd afpd cnid_metad.
I have tried looking at the /etc/netatalk/netatalk.conf - but I really don't think that is the problem anymore. When I google the problem, it seems that something called netatalk.o has to compiled into the kernel - and this is where it gets a tad too technical for me.

So - I would like to know:

a) Has anyone been able to get netatalk up and running?

and if "no"

b) Am I really the only person who is interested in getting AFP working on the Bubba|Two? I couldn't find any other posts in this forum about it. =)

Posts: 43
Joined: 11 Oct 2008, 14:48

Post by mad »

If I remeber correctly you need to recompile the kernel if you want to supper atalkd (not for afpd).
But then again it was years ago I was forced to deal with stuff like that.
Posts: 13
Joined: 12 Jan 2009, 07:37

Post by Joachim »

You were rigth, mad; you don't need to recompile the kernel for the afpd daemon to work - and that is all that is needed for newer Mac OS X systems to connect via AFP.

However - it is not quite as easy as that, of course. The newer versions of Mac OS X does not like connecting via afpd if username and password is sent in cleartext. 10.3 and 10.4 throws a warning message at you when you connect - and 10.5 (Leopard) downright denies to connect. And, yes - you've guessed it; the version of afpd supplied with the precompiled apt packgage netatalkd is not compiled with support for encrypted password and username.

I found a great article about the matter (*link*) where a guy manages to get it working on Ubuntu - and with a little bit of tweaking I managed to do download, compile and install a version of netatalk that supports encrypted passwords on the B2.

So now I happily connecting to the B2 via AFP. =)

Since there doesn't seem to be a lot of interest in AFP on on the Bubba, I won't write up a complete guide on how to do it - unless someone asks for it, ofc. It really wasn't too hard once I found the article, though. ;)

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Post by johannes »

Hi all,

AFP is no included in our latest release. See:
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
Posts: 13
Joined: 12 Jan 2009, 07:37

Post by Joachim »

Thanks, Johannes.

I will check it out when I get home from work.

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