I have, without luck, been trying to get AFP working on my Bubba|Two. Has anyone managed to get it working?
The package netatalk seems to install just fine - but when I try to start the service with a "/etc/init.d/netatalk restart" I get the following response:
Code: Select all
bubba:/etc/netatalk# /etc/init.d/netatalk restart
Restarting AppleTalk Daemons (this will take a while)Stopping AppleTalk Daemons: afpd papd timelord atalkd cnid_metad.
..Starting AppleTalk services (this will take a while): socket: Address family not supported by protocol
socket: Address family not supported by protocol
atalkd: can't get interfaces, exiting.
atalkd papd afpd cnid_metad.
So - I would like to know:
a) Has anyone been able to get netatalk up and running?
and if "no"
b) Am I really the only person who is interested in getting AFP working on the Bubba|Two? I couldn't find any other posts in this forum about it. =)