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Installing Slimserver on Bubba?
Installing Slimserver on Bubba?
I want to use a Bubba Mini Server as a fileserver for my Squeezebox and
then need to install a slimserver (
Since I am totally new to Linux I need a step by step step instruction how to do this. Can anyone provide that?
Thererfore I need a step step how to in
I want to use a Bubba Mini Server as a fileserver for my Squeezebox and
then need to install a slimserver (
Since I am totally new to Linux I need a step by step step instruction how to do this. Can anyone provide that?
Thererfore I need a step step how to in
Hi Lars,
We have a couple of customers that run slimserver on their Bubbas so this is quite doable. We are also investigating the possibilities of supporting Slimdevices out of the box, but thats only at an investigation level.
What we most likely will do in a not so distant future is provide more detailed information, as you requested, on how to set this up yourself. In the mean time, anyone with experience in doing this?
We have a couple of customers that run slimserver on their Bubbas so this is quite doable. We are also investigating the possibilities of supporting Slimdevices out of the box, but thats only at an investigation level.
What we most likely will do in a not so distant future is provide more detailed information, as you requested, on how to set this up yourself. In the mean time, anyone with experience in doing this?
Re: Installing Slimserver on Bubba?
Hey Lars!
Yesterday I just invested in a Squeezebox... what a nice litte streamer. Well I also need to install Slimserver to my Bubba.
Well this is how I did it.. all before you use it!! This guide is not complete.
First you need to log in as Admin through Bubbas webb interface and click on "Users" on the menu on the left.
You will see all the users which can log into your Bubba. Next to your login name you should have a "Yes" under the column "Shell login". If not press the edit button att add this privillage. This makes it possible to login to your bubba via a Shell, Terminal. In Windows we use Dos CommandPrompt.. but this won't work in Linux. So you need to get a little free program like Putty.
Putty is reatively easy to use. When started, a window with alot of options will aprear but by default all you need to do is to type in the IP of your bubba server and press the OPEN button att the bottom. A terminal Windows will open and a commandprompt will ask you to login. You then login with your bubba username and password.
Ok... now here you need to use linux commands...
According to the download instructions om Slimdevices homepage on installing on a Debian server you need to add one/two lines to the source list and update the system and then install the Slimserver software with help of the debian installer system "apt-get".
This is what you do once you are logged in to bubba:
write command: su root
bubba will ask for the password
you write: excito
OK... You are logged on to bubba with root privillages.. and can do whatever you please now.
Step 2:
Write command: vi /etc/apt/sources.list
This will open the "vi-texteditor" and sourcelist file in the apt folder.
You will see this within the dotted line:
#deb sarge main
#deb sarge/updates main
#deb sarge non-free
deb bubba main
Add another line after the last line where it says:
"deb bubba main"
with this line:
deb stable main
PRESS: the letter " i " to activate insert mode.. this enables you to edit the file.
Use the arrows and DEL key if you need to delete. Press "i" if you can't wirte anything. Don't worry.. you can always exit without saving with the command: Esc followed with " :q! " in words: escape-key followed with kolon and the letter q and then excamation mark. This will force exit without save.
I recommend to read a manual on how to use the Vi-texteditor.
Here is a link to easy tutorial on how to use vi and most used commands:
.....additional lines can be added if you want a more updated version but which may be unstable. You just add additional lines discribed on:
Step 4
It should look something like this:
#deb sarge main
#deb sarge/updates main
#deb sarge non-free
deb bubba main
deb stable main
To save and exit the file type command:
press Esc first to make sure you not in insert mode then type:
" :wq "
The above command will save the file and exit the texteditor.
Step 5:
Now go inte the file again and check that it has changed with the command you used above to access the file.
If everything is ok....
Then type commands:
apt-get update
apt-get install slimserver
this will update the system with the latest source file list and install slimserver with all dependenies.
Well.. if this works then one needs to startup the slimserver.. with a command or add a script to your bubba startup file.. and then it should work I think... maybe att the installation it automatically adds the slimserver to startup?
Since my Bubba could not update the source file list and then not install the Slimserver.... I have no idea if this guide woks properly..or if I done something wrong on the way or if need some other configuration to be able to update the system...
This is all I know....hope it will help on the way... or someone can complete this guide which is not complete.
/ Maximus
Yesterday I just invested in a Squeezebox... what a nice litte streamer. Well I also need to install Slimserver to my Bubba.
Well this is how I did it.. all before you use it!! This guide is not complete.
First you need to log in as Admin through Bubbas webb interface and click on "Users" on the menu on the left.
You will see all the users which can log into your Bubba. Next to your login name you should have a "Yes" under the column "Shell login". If not press the edit button att add this privillage. This makes it possible to login to your bubba via a Shell, Terminal. In Windows we use Dos CommandPrompt.. but this won't work in Linux. So you need to get a little free program like Putty.
Putty is reatively easy to use. When started, a window with alot of options will aprear but by default all you need to do is to type in the IP of your bubba server and press the OPEN button att the bottom. A terminal Windows will open and a commandprompt will ask you to login. You then login with your bubba username and password.
Ok... now here you need to use linux commands...
According to the download instructions om Slimdevices homepage on installing on a Debian server you need to add one/two lines to the source list and update the system and then install the Slimserver software with help of the debian installer system "apt-get".
This is what you do once you are logged in to bubba:
write command: su root
bubba will ask for the password
you write: excito
OK... You are logged on to bubba with root privillages.. and can do whatever you please now.
Step 2:
Write command: vi /etc/apt/sources.list
This will open the "vi-texteditor" and sourcelist file in the apt folder.
You will see this within the dotted line:
#deb sarge main
#deb sarge/updates main
#deb sarge non-free
deb bubba main
Add another line after the last line where it says:
"deb bubba main"
with this line:
deb stable main
PRESS: the letter " i " to activate insert mode.. this enables you to edit the file.
Use the arrows and DEL key if you need to delete. Press "i" if you can't wirte anything. Don't worry.. you can always exit without saving with the command: Esc followed with " :q! " in words: escape-key followed with kolon and the letter q and then excamation mark. This will force exit without save.
I recommend to read a manual on how to use the Vi-texteditor.
Here is a link to easy tutorial on how to use vi and most used commands:
.....additional lines can be added if you want a more updated version but which may be unstable. You just add additional lines discribed on:
Step 4
It should look something like this:
#deb sarge main
#deb sarge/updates main
#deb sarge non-free
deb bubba main
deb stable main
To save and exit the file type command:
press Esc first to make sure you not in insert mode then type:
" :wq "
The above command will save the file and exit the texteditor.
Step 5:
Now go inte the file again and check that it has changed with the command you used above to access the file.
If everything is ok....
Then type commands:
apt-get update
apt-get install slimserver
this will update the system with the latest source file list and install slimserver with all dependenies.
Well.. if this works then one needs to startup the slimserver.. with a command or add a script to your bubba startup file.. and then it should work I think... maybe att the installation it automatically adds the slimserver to startup?
Since my Bubba could not update the source file list and then not install the Slimserver.... I have no idea if this guide woks properly..or if I done something wrong on the way or if need some other configuration to be able to update the system...
This is all I know....hope it will help on the way... or someone can complete this guide which is not complete.
/ Maximus
Last edited by Maximus on 06 Jan 2007, 09:22, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Installing Slimserver on Bubba?
In other words I also need help to make it work....

Maximus, let me start by thanking you for taking your time writing such a detailed post.
The reason this wont work is because SlimDevices does not provide Arm binaries, the cpu that Bubba runs on, and then you get the error that you probably got when you run apt-get install slimserver
And to all interested. We are currently looking in to a somewhat simple solution on how to run SlimServer on Bubba. I will try to keep you informed on progress on it.
Current state is that i have slimserver 6.5 up and running on Bubba but have some problems when scanning the media catalog.
Maximus, let me start by thanking you for taking your time writing such a detailed post.
The reason this wont work is because SlimDevices does not provide Arm binaries, the cpu that Bubba runs on, and then you get the error that you probably got when you run apt-get install slimserver
And to all interested. We are currently looking in to a somewhat simple solution on how to run SlimServer on Bubba. I will try to keep you informed on progress on it.
Current state is that i have slimserver 6.5 up and running on Bubba but have some problems when scanning the media catalog.
Thanx Tor for explaining the situation. Looking forward to that day when Slimserver works properly on bubba...
Till then....
I will stream my music on my bubba by running Slimserver on my laptop. But sometimes I wish to turn off the laptop so not to hear the fans of the computer... but still enjoy all my music.

Thanx Tor for explaining the situation. Looking forward to that day when Slimserver works properly on bubba...
Till then....
I will stream my music on my bubba by running Slimserver on my laptop. But sometimes I wish to turn off the laptop so not to hear the fans of the computer... but still enjoy all my music.

You seem to work for excito, so here is a short piece of feed-back from a SqeezeBox user who just sits and waits for the right NAS solution:
The moment you guys support SlimServer out of the box, or with minimal hustle, you have at least 3 new customers I know of, including myself!
Hurry up, please!
You seem to work for excito, so here is a short piece of feed-back from a SqeezeBox user who just sits and waits for the right NAS solution:
The moment you guys support SlimServer out of the box, or with minimal hustle, you have at least 3 new customers I know of, including myself!

Hurry up, please!

Hi vsu and others,
You are correct in that i work for Excito. I work with software on Bubba .
We are also quite aware that there is quite a demand on SqueezeBox compability. And because of that, we are working on a way to satisfy this.
At the moment we actually have SlimServer running on Bubba. The big issue now is that we have to do some more testing and tweaking on it. We also must make this available in an arrangement that is easy to setup. The most likely first step will be a guide on how to install it your self.
Unfortunately we can't provide out of the box functionality due to licensing issues. But if we solve these, which isn't impossible. We will of course try to provide this functionalty in a transparent way.
You are correct in that i work for Excito. I work with software on Bubba .

We are also quite aware that there is quite a demand on SqueezeBox compability. And because of that, we are working on a way to satisfy this.
At the moment we actually have SlimServer running on Bubba. The big issue now is that we have to do some more testing and tweaking on it. We also must make this available in an arrangement that is easy to setup. The most likely first step will be a guide on how to install it your self.
Unfortunately we can't provide out of the box functionality due to licensing issues. But if we solve these, which isn't impossible. We will of course try to provide this functionalty in a transparent way.
Co-founder OpenProducts and Ex Excito Developer
I am really looking forward to byg the Bubba with 500GB HD!
However, I am little bit concerned that it has only 64MB of internal RAM.
A lot of the other NAS:es that are available and which has 64MB has been having performance issues with running SlimServer. Those NAS:es that has at least 128MB RAM seems to be performing much better.
Will it be possible to either upgrade the internal RAM to 128MB or even higher?
I am really looking forward to byg the Bubba with 500GB HD!
However, I am little bit concerned that it has only 64MB of internal RAM.
A lot of the other NAS:es that are available and which has 64MB has been having performance issues with running SlimServer. Those NAS:es that has at least 128MB RAM seems to be performing much better.
Will it be possible to either upgrade the internal RAM to 128MB or even higher?
Regarding performance issues; our tests show that slimserver runs quite smoothly on Bubba, with only 64 MB RAM. But you are of course corrent, the limited amount of memory is the most prominent bottleneck.
The SDRAM is unfortunately not exchangeable, it is directly soldered to the board.
/Johannes, Excito developer
The SDRAM is unfortunately not exchangeable, it is directly soldered to the board.
/Johannes, Excito developer
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
I've been running SlimServer on my bubba for a while now and it works pretty OK. I have installed a separate MySQL instance instead of the built-in that comes with SlimServer and I am using one Squeezebox client. For normal operation it works smoothly even for a large music library. There are some issues, however:
* The SlimServer web interface is really slow and, when used while streaming music, also impacts the playback.
* A full scan of the music library is time consuming. It takes a couple of hours for me to scan my library of 11.000+ songs. This is not a big issue as full scans are not needed very often but can be annoying the first time.
* How does using multiple clients impact performance?
Whilst it is understandable that it may take some time for SlimServer to be pre-packaged with bubba, an installation guide and a performance tweaking guide would be helpful in the meantime!
* The SlimServer web interface is really slow and, when used while streaming music, also impacts the playback.
* A full scan of the music library is time consuming. It takes a couple of hours for me to scan my library of 11.000+ songs. This is not a big issue as full scans are not needed very often but can be annoying the first time.
* How does using multiple clients impact performance?
Whilst it is understandable that it may take some time for SlimServer to be pre-packaged with bubba, an installation guide and a performance tweaking guide would be helpful in the meantime!
A short update.
We have been looking into this for a while now. And things are looking quite good. We have a basic package done. This however still needs more testing before it could be considered usable. And then to be able to make it available we need SlimDevices blessing.
Regarding performance. Juicer, i think your impressions match a lot with what we experience. Normal operation from the SqueezeBox works well. We have even tried running combinations whith the SqueezeBox and instances of SoftSqueeze in parallell. And it also work fine. The load on Bubba do however increase with every added client. Thus a rough estimate is that running more than four clients at a time is probably not recomended.
The web-ui is, to our surprise, painfully slow to use. It works but it takes time to get anything done. So the recomendation is to use the SqueezeBox interface instead since most things seem workable from there as well.
A short update.
We have been looking into this for a while now. And things are looking quite good. We have a basic package done. This however still needs more testing before it could be considered usable. And then to be able to make it available we need SlimDevices blessing.
Regarding performance. Juicer, i think your impressions match a lot with what we experience. Normal operation from the SqueezeBox works well. We have even tried running combinations whith the SqueezeBox and instances of SoftSqueeze in parallell. And it also work fine. The load on Bubba do however increase with every added client. Thus a rough estimate is that running more than four clients at a time is probably not recomended.
The web-ui is, to our surprise, painfully slow to use. It works but it takes time to get anything done. So the recomendation is to use the SqueezeBox interface instead since most things seem workable from there as well.
Co-founder OpenProducts and Ex Excito Developer
A short update just to let you know that this topic isn't forgotten.
What has been going on lately is that we have tried to straighten out the legal issues with redistributing slimserver with no success this far.
What we most probably will do in a near future is provide packages that suits Bubba, for users to install them self. This and a note on how to do the installation is unfortunately the best we can do atm.
What has been going on lately is that we have tried to straighten out the legal issues with redistributing slimserver with no success this far.
What we most probably will do in a near future is provide packages that suits Bubba, for users to install them self. This and a note on how to do the installation is unfortunately the best we can do atm.
Co-founder OpenProducts and Ex Excito Developer