I can no longer login to my b3 without password using authorize_keys.
It did work up 'til yesterday when I added another machine with ssh-copy-id user@b3server. Now no machine can connect without being promted with a password.
I tried deleting the key copied from the new machine, checked rights on /.ssh (700) and authorized_keys (600), created new ssh-keys.
What else to do?
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ssh authorized_keys not working anymore [solved]
ssh authorized_keys not working anymore [solved]
Last edited by d_rylndr on 27 Jun 2012, 09:15, edited 1 time in total.
Re: ssh authorized_keys not working anymore
As so often I figure it out just after posting a question...
For some reason I had changed the permission on /home/user to 777. Changing it back to 755 solved the issue. now authorized_keys are working again.
For some reason I had changed the permission on /home/user to 777. Changing it back to 755 solved the issue. now authorized_keys are working again.