I have just got a B3, I want to replace a previous Qnap+Debian that run mainly nfs, and only nfsv4.
I nave seen that nfsv4 is not selected in kernel 2.6.38.
There are also a (less important) lack of io accounting to run io monitoring like iotop. On a nas io are the crucial resource, so it's quite interesting to monitor it.
I want also to give kexec is a try, if it works it would be very good to try a new kernel, alas the running kernel must have kexec enabled; so I cannot use it to test my new kernel!
So I added to the config
Code: Select all
but then I don't know how to proceed, I don't know if I have to flash the uImage to some /dev/mtd or if uboot read directly /boot/uImage.
If I need to flash but how and wich mtd? and can I recover with your recovery usb image if the flash fail?
If it read from /boot do it find the kernel by name?
I am also slightly worried by the /proc/cmdline
Code: Select all
root=/dev/sda1 console=ttyS0,115200 serial=4607 key=Pa8zRtzkKzewQCwVSey8Hxn9zEc= button=0
Also I have found the sources of the kernel, but not of the kernel package. Where is also the bootloader source?
Any help would be appreciated
I suggest also that you add nfsd4 and io-accounting for the next kernel build.