I will also try to upgrade it manually.
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<txt-record>sys=waMA=«MAC Address»,adVF=0x100</txt-record>
<txt-record>dk0=adVF=0x83,adVN=Time Machine</txt-record>
yeah, would be nice to know what to add. I'd like to test it too.NisseJ wrote:How do i do to switch to the unstable repository? I will gladely test it
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deb http://b3.update.excito.org vincent main
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apt-get update
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apt-get install netatalk
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vi /etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.default
Code: Select all
/home/storage/extern/TimeMachine-1 "Time Machine" cnidscheme:dbd dpath:/var/lib/netatalk fperm:0664 dperm:0775
Code: Select all
/etc/init.d/netatalk restart
Code: Select all
lsof | grep home
Code: Select all
umount /home
resize2fs /dev/mapper/bubba-storage 800G
Code: Select all
lvreduce /dev/mapper/bubba-storage 800G
Code: Select all
lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n timemachine bubba
mke2fs -j /dev/bubba/timemachine
Code: Select all
mkdir /timemachine
cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.ori
echo "/dev/mapper/bubba-timemachine /timemachine ext3 defaults 0 2" >> /etc/fstab
mount -a
df -h
Ubi, thanks for the tutorial. An improvement would be to limit backup size not by resizing the partition, but creating custom .sparsebundle. Imagine having multiple Macs that do TM backups. Another good reason to do it that way is a possibility to make the backup FileVault2 encrypted. (See http://michaelnozbe.com/mac-osx-lion-se ... capsule-wi ) I'm currently fighting to achieve that on B3 and will report if there will be some success. The link above is not 100% correct so there are obstacles to overcome.Ubi wrote:I made a new wiki entry that hopefully combines this thread into a sinlge recipe. Please have a look and let me know of the unclarities and mistakes that may still be in there