I have only used my Bubba Two for backup until now. Yesterday i bought an Apple Airport Express (AEX) and now i also watch video from my PS3 (.m2ts) and TVIX 2300 (.iso) by accessing Bubba over the AEX. The AEX also has the possibility to stream audio to my HIFI equipment but only from a PC running iTunes. After a couple of hours googling i found the PulseAudio sound server which basically is a proxy for any sound application. I tried both to package install it and from source without no luck.
My goal is to only use Bubba (without the requirement of having an iTunes or a Squeezebox running) and manage the playlist and songs through an wifi enabled handheld device (iPod touch, iPhone or similar).
I understand that there has to be some development to get a web page to handle iTunes data and process it into PulseAudio for further streaming to AEX but since i do not manage to make PulseAudio to run on Bubba there is no point going further for me at least.
Is there anyone who can help out with more development skill than i have or is this a dead end?
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PulseAudio sound server and Apple Airport Express
Re: PulseAudio sound server and Apple Airport Express
This is exactly what i want to do, store my iTunes-library on the Bubba and play it on my HI-FI with Airport Express with no other computer needed, just a iPhone to remote it from. Maybe a jailbroken iPhone can fetch the music from the Bubba and stream it to the Airport, like if the iPhone is the brain? I dont have my Bubba yet and i have very small experience from linux, usually i use Mac OS X and Apple products. Maybe Airfoil will be useful in some way?