Hey Guys -
I'm looking for some suggestions for a better webmail app for my bubba - ilohamail is just too rudimentary for my use - I've tried to install Horde - but once installed, I can't seem to locate the interface to configure it. Can anyone suggest a good webmail application that they've used and tested on their bubba that might make me happy?
Greets from Florida...
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Need better webmail! Suggestions?
So, just an apt-get install squirrelmail will do the trick? Do I need to remove iloha? What is the default URL to access it after installation?
Re: squirrelmail
This is where our problem starts. Over a year has passed since I installed it, and I simply doesn't remember exactly how I did it . I don't remember it being very hard though, so I can imagine that I probably installed it the way you describe.rootdude wrote:So, just an apt-get install squirrelmail will do the trick? Do I need to remove iloha? What is the default URL to access it after installation?

Damn... well I installed it and the installation reported no dependency problems, but once I tried to access the URL http://hostname/squirrelmail and authenticated, the interface was incomplete (only showed a couple of mailboxes - no email, etc. ) so I know there's at least a step or two missing.
Any thoughts? Can you remember anything at all?
Any thoughts? Can you remember anything at all?
Re: Need better webmail! Suggestions?
In Linux Magazine, Nov 2009, there's a short feature on RoundCube, http://www.roundcube.net, wiki at http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki
(ilohamail.org says that RoundCube uses Ilohamail's IMAP backend code.)
I haven't tried RoundCube yet, but it gets a good review as being stable, well-AJAXed and intuitive, with more features than the minimalist Squirrelmail.
(ilohamail.org says that RoundCube uses Ilohamail's IMAP backend code.)
I haven't tried RoundCube yet, but it gets a good review as being stable, well-AJAXed and intuitive, with more features than the minimalist Squirrelmail.