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First of all, I would like to thanks Excito for bringing such a great mini server with low power usage on the market.
I'm very happy with it!
And ofcourse: everyone who helped me configurating it to my taste.
I use my bubbatwo as:
Printer server
File storage
Share my files
Stream Content from it through my mediaplayer
Extra software installed:
achims-guestbook (2.53-1) php driven guestbook
dokuwiki (0.0.20061106-6) a standards compliant simple to use wiki
gallery2 (2.1.2-2.0.etch.1) web-based photo album written in PHP
phpbb2 (2.0.21-7) A fully featured and skinnable flat (non-threaded) webforum
Bubbamon V 0.7
Software thinking to install in the future:
elinks (0.11.1-1.2etch1) advanced text-mode WWW browser
finch (text mode version of pidgin)
Still have to configurate:
I'm happy to say bubbatwo hasn't crash not once by itzelf.
By my opinion bubbatwo blinks out because of it's low enery usage and to be able to configurate bubbatwo the way you want it.
Last edited by rewien on 27 Dec 2008, 08:59, edited 3 times in total.
rewien wrote:
By my opinion bubbatwo blinks out because of it's low enery usage and to be able to configurate bubbatwo the way you want it.
For the non-Dutch among the readers: "blinks out" = "blinkt uit" = "excels". At first I was afraid that this was about the "blinking" LED (a sign of a crash or unexpected reboot, anyway something that puts the machine "out" of action). Sorry, rewien. Couldn't resist.