Been trying to get Vista File Backup to work with Bubba, but so far no luck.
Does this have anything to do with the version of Samba that Bubba is running? I believe Vista Backup needs Samba 3.x.
What version does B2 run?
Any help much appreciated!
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Vista File Backup to Bubba2 - problem with Samba?
We are still using samba 2, though we are planning to use samba 3 soon.joost wrote:Just wondering if anyone could help me with this..
I still haven't been able to get Vista File Backup to work with Bubba 2.
I'm now looking into buying a Buffalo LinkStation Mini to specifically serve as a backup location.. but I much rather use my Bubba!
Re: Vista File Backup to Bubba2 - problem with Samba?
Any news yet on upgrade to Samba 3 for the Bubba Two?
Re: Vista File Backup to Bubba2 - problem with Samba?
I regularly use windows (7) backup to a Bubba 2 on the office, samba 3 is not required. The problems you have must be something else.
Can you describe what issues you experience?
Can you describe what issues you experience?
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
Re: Vista File Backup to Bubba2 - problem with Samba?
Windows Vista backup still doesn't work -- I always assumed it was because of the - perhaps imagined - Samba 3 requirement --, but I just found out SyncToy does so that solves everything.
Very nice to have my Bubba2 up and running again doing something usefull!
Very nice to have my Bubba2 up and running again doing something usefull!