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Posted: 04 Mar 2007, 15:22
by doraemon

Can't wait... :)

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 10:43
by James
Anything more on this?

Posted: 20 Mar 2007, 08:08
by tor
Ok, we now have something for you all to test.

We have added slimserver version 6.3.1 to our repository for easy installation.

Note however that this is a experimental release and we can't promise anything regarding functionality or future of this. Installation is on your own risk. (At least for now)

But a quick guide on how to install is as follows:

Make sure you have a user with shell access.

Log in to Bubba with that user

Code: Select all

ssh user@bubba
Become root

Code: Select all

Password is excito if you havn't changed it.

Edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list

Code: Select all

nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Remove the # from the first three lines.

ctrl-o writes the file and ctrl-x exits the editor.

The end result should look something like:

Code: Select all

deb sarge main
deb sarge/updates main
deb sarge non-free

deb bubba main
Update sources:

Code: Select all

apt-get update
Install slimserver:

Code: Select all

apt-get install slimserver
(This will take some time)

Restore the /etc/apt/sources.list file, add # to the front of the three top rows.

Leaving the file something like this:

Code: Select all

#deb sarge main
#deb sarge/updates main
#deb sarge non-free

deb bubba main
Do a new update of sources to restore this.

Code: Select all

apt-get update
Now you should have a working slimserver installation. Music that is stored under /storage/music should be available on SqueezeBoxes in the local network.

Note however that slimserver takes quite some time to start.

All feedback on this is appreciated.


slimerver 6.3 vs. 6.5?

Posted: 11 Apr 2007, 08:32
by bmcm
Hi -

I have not yet (!) invested in a bubba, but am considering it as a
slimserver for my home music system. So I am following this thread
with interest.

In an early message (Dec 06?) there was a statement that slimserver
6.5 was successfully running; but this most recent message, announcing
an experimental release, was of 6.3.1. I guessing (from messages
I am seeing in other forums - particularly at slimdevices) that this may
mean that 6.5.x is significantly more demanding of resources (particularly
RAM) and may therefore not run satisfactorily on the current bubba
(with its 64MB, non expandable, RAM).

Can anybody (tor?) comment on this? While it would be nice even to have
6.3.1 running reliably, I would be concerned if this meant that any bubba
based server would be stuck indefinitely on a slimserver version
that is (presumably) not being maintained any longer...

Best - Barry.

Slimserver 6.5.x .debs please

Posted: 17 May 2007, 02:09
by 4season

It took awhile (mostly spent sitting in customs), but my Bubba arrived the other day, and so far, it looks terrific: Installing the hard drive, updating the software and slimserver 6.3.1 .debs worked without a hitch. I currently have about 100 albums loaded in Slimserver and it seems to work well. Web interface is kind of slow, but I was expecting this, and I find it useable.

But..! Slim Devices's Transporter requires Slimserver 6.5.x, and so do recent versions of the Softsqueeze client software. Has anyone created .deb packages of the current Slimserver? Or can anyone suggest a good online tutorial for creating my own Debian packages? I have some familiarity with Debian Sarge on x86 hardware.


PS: I used a 500 gigabyte Seagate hard drive which boasted having a fluid main bearing. The Bubba + Seagate combo isn't totally silent, but it's easy to forget that it's running sometimes. Good stuff.

Posted: 17 May 2007, 04:42
by tor

Regarding a newer version of slimserver. We actually have packages for this as well. But since they are more difficult to install, due to the MySQL dependency, an d that the newer version seems a bit heavier on resource demands we decided to go with the elder version.

I will however see what i can do to provide the newer version as well in some form. And then we can see what people think about it. It seems like a lot of you guys are running MySQL anyway :)


Posted: 17 May 2007, 14:05
by 4season
Thank you Tor, I'll be watching for possible new announcements.

Meanwhile, I also posted a request on the Slim Devices forums asking for "Slimserver Lite"! I can't be the only person who would prefer using a tiny server such as Bubba instead of a regular computer, even a compact one like a Mac Mini.

Posted: 19 Jun 2007, 17:36
by marctoro
tor wrote:Hi,

I will however see what i can do to provide the newer version as well in some form. And then we can see what people think about it. It seems like a lot of you guys are running MySQL anyway :)

Hi there Tor, Any update on this?

Posted: 20 Jun 2007, 02:40
by tor
Hi marctoro,

Unfortunately we have not had time to do this yet. But its still on our todo-list :) With a little luck we could perhaps have something next week, but still no promises.


Posted: 20 Jun 2007, 15:46
by Clive
Is there an update coming next week then Tor ?? :P

If so, just a reminder to make sure you include the complete contents of the 'webadmin' directory so that those of us using Bubbalibres hack do not have any problems during the upgrade :D

Posted: 23 Jul 2007, 07:17
by jesperw
This sounds really interesting! Any news on Slimserver v 6.5.x?

How to admin the slimserver?

Posted: 11 Aug 2007, 11:24
by e93max
A few weeks ago I bought a Squeezebox and a Bubba. I have successfully managed to get them working together (following the instructions in this thread....). However, I am no Linix guy at all and am somewhat confused when it comes to how to admin my music library, how to make the Squeezebox aware of the fact that music has been added/changed.

On the normal Windows-based Slimserver there is a admin webpage where you can tell the server to nitify the Squeezebox about the changes. I have had a glance in the slimserver instrallation (using ssh) on the bubba but am not sure how to "refresh" the library. I assume there is some sort of web-interface.


Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 03:05
by tor
e93max, you should be able to reach the slimserver web-ui at something like http://bubba:9000

Jesper and others. The upgrade of slimserver is on hold until we have the major upgrade to Debian Etch done, our plan there is to install MySQL by default and thus make it easier for us to provide a new Slimserver package.


Posted: 13 Aug 2007, 12:21
by raven
tor wrote: Jesper and others. The upgrade of slimserver is on hold until we have the major upgrade to Debian Etch done, our plan there is to install MySQL by default and thus make it easier for us to provide a new Slimserver package.

Tor, will the Debian Etch upgrade run on existing Bubbas?
Or will it require the new mystery product that is rumored...? Yes, I am REALLY curious if there is anything behind the gossip..:) Jokes aside, the Bubba is really great, but slightly underpowered for my needs. On the other hand, there aren't too many open platform (read: Linux) based products out there, so the options are limited. Guess I just have to wait and hope for the best, right?

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 08:05
by tor

The etch upgrade should hopefully work on existing Bubbas. That is at least our intention. There is a slight risk that we wont be able to provide it as an upgrade image but will require a reinstall instead.

And i can guarantee that the mystery product is not a gossip. We are working as fast as we can on getting it done.
