My Bubba|Two is connected (from it's LAN connector) to a Switch that provide LAN to two computers:
one that I'm using as a Desktop machine and a
second one that I'm try to use as an another web server.
(Server on LAN? Hmmm..)
I want to login to my server on LAN with SSH but don't know it's IP address.
I try out any IP address from but can't ping any address except that one of my Desktop system. (OK, maybe the firewall restrict the PING out there.)
In the Administration / Network / LAN / DHCP leases
I can't see any additional IP-address except that of Bubba|Two and my Desktop machine. Where is my server machine on LAN?
Before I have Bubba miniserver I had a PC Box as firewall/gateway and then I can to login with SSH to that server.
Any advices will be appreciated!
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How can I login to another PC Box on LAN with SSH?
Re: How can I login to another PC Box on LAN with SSH?
I don't know if this is a stupid question, but are you sure the server is using dhcp? I use to put my servers on fixed ip, makes it easier to find them...
Re: How can I login to another PC Box on LAN with SSH?
It doesn't sound like your Bubba is running the DHCP server, so I'd check that dnsmasq is running and if it is, check the other Linux machine, to make sure you aren't running two DHCP servers as that will definately cause you issues.
Re: How can I login to another PC Box on LAN with SSH?
I saw when I was login with SSH to Bubba that that there isn't running dhcp3-server. But then I don't know how could get on Bubba LAN my Desktop PC Box an IP addres?asparak wrote:It doesn't sound like your Bubba is running the DHCP server, so I'd check that dnsmasq is running and if it is, check the other Linux machine, to make sure you aren't running two DHCP servers as that will definately cause you issues.
Desktop machine uses dhcp3-client to obtain IP address from LAN. In the same manner, how couldn't get on Bubba LAN my debian-server PC Box an IP address too?
That is not a problem, I can install dhcp3-server on Bubba, but I don't understand the mechanism abowe mentioned: how could get IP address on LAN my Desktop machine without dhcp3-server being running on Bubba, and how shall get the Desktop machine IP address when I shall install on Bubba the dhcp3-server?

Best, Pali