When you've done this and you're still logged in as root:
Code: Select all
apt-get install smartmontools
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smartctl --help
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smartctl -i /dev/hda
Code: Select all
smartctl -H /dev/hda
Why is all this interesting? Bubba has no RAID support or anything other than your own backup methods for preserving data in case of hardware trouble, so in order to minimize the risks all information concerning the health of your harddrive is welcome!
There's a daemon called 'smartd' which runs in the background, keeping you up to date if anything changes in the SMART status of your drive. This daemon is disabled by default, check out its config file at
Code: Select all
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Code: Select all
Code: Select all
/dev/hda -H -m
Code: Select all
/etc/init.d/smartmontools start
Hey, nothing beats making regular backups, but this is a nice addition...