After a really long delay, I'm happy to release an upgrade to BubbaTwo software.
Following fixes has been made in this release:
- New upgrade manager - The upgrade manager has been rewritten from scratch to allow easier upgrades and installs in the future.
- Horde has been upgrade and modified to better support international character sets.
- The user interface for the firewall settings has been upgraded, and many bugs and features in the firewall has been resolved/implemented. Added possibility to open ports to the BubbaTwo directly from the web interface.
- Possibility to install and enable SqueezeCenter from the Services menu. (i.e. SqueezeCenter has been released!!!)
- Better support for BubbaMon
This upgrade contains new upgraded dpkg, which will help people still stuck on rc7 to upgrade the system.
The new upgrader is the same used for installing SqueezeCenter.
The new functionality in the firewall to allow using external IP in port forward from an intranet device, requires that the port forward in question is remade.
/Carl Fürstenberg