This is the strangest thing... I've been using bubba2 for a couple of weeks and I have changed the workgroup setting to WORKGROUP since I'm on a windows network. Since I've done this I've been able to just enter bubba in firefox and then I've been taken to the bubba webinterface.
This doesn't work anymore! When I enter bubba I'm taken to the external website! In order to access my bubba2 I need to enter the ip-number.
Any ideas anyone? I'm using the latest firefox-version.
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do you just enter bubba or do you enter http://bubba/?
It could be something to do with your router. If you've rebooted your router since you last rebooted your bubba, the bubba could still have a valid IP address, but the name bubba is not recognised, as it's no longer present in the DHCP table in your router. I suspect that rebooting your router followed by your bubba will solve the problem.