Some info:
The display is called PicoLCD ( Rather inexpensive, IMO, but the shipping from the US to Sweden would have cost an arm and a leg, so I didn't order it from that site.
It got an USB-interface so you don't have to fiddle with special kernel-drivers or such.
As for the software to drive it I picked lcdproc (
It's basiaclly a server that handles the communication with the display combined with a client that talks to the server. Hence the client doesn't care what kind of display you have, that the servers business, you simply tell the server what you want to show.
lcdproc is available in the repository, but that version is a bit to old so I had to compile it myself. It went fairly smooth, if memory serves me. Had to install the libusb-dev package I think and that was about it...
I think lcd4linux ( is capable of driving that display too, but I havn't tested it yet. I found that lcdproc did what I wanted it to do, so I left if with that.