Hi, after several weeks with no problems my Bubba suddenly stopped responding yesterday. No config changes or updates had been made lately and no power outages had occured.
After work I pulled the power plug and tried to reboot. Front LED never stopped flashing (did only wait 10 min, though). Tried to reboot with image on a USB stick. Front LED still flashing -- which I now know is normal -- so I decided to try another normal restart after letting it cool down.
Current status: After 9 hours the front LED is still flashing -- and the red disk activity LED is constantly lit! Can a disk check take that long (750MB disk)? My next step will be to retry the minimal install start procedure, but I am reluctant to pull the power plug with the RED light on...
Any ideas?
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Yellow light flashing for hours - and RED light ON
New question: I am trying to follow your instructions from another topic (http://forum.excito.net/viewtopic.php?t=891) in order to run an update. However, the networking capabilities seem corrupt. I can login to Bubba (minimal install) and ping other machines on my LAN from Bubba. The /etc/resolv.conf shows a valid name server from my ISP. However, Bubba can't access the Internet. Is this something due to the minimal config and Bubba getting a new IP instead of its regular one? The problem arises when a try to do 'apt-get update':
...and so on...
Doing a 'ping ftp.se.debian.org' tells me:
and pinging my DNS says:
No other machines are experiencing any connection problems with the Internet.
Code: Select all
Err http://security.debian.org sarge/updates/main Packages
Temporary failure resolving 'security.debian.org'
Doing a 'ping ftp.se.debian.org' tells me:
Code: Select all
ping: unknown host ftp.se.debian.org
Code: Select all
connect: Network is unreachable
Final update: Bubba is back in business. What bothers me is that I did nothing (except running fsck in minimal install mode)... For some reaseon the third restart went well and it's up and running again. I'll consider this a one-time-only event and forget about it. I'll have a look at the "uptime survey contest" again that someone started in the forum somewhere.
Thanks for a good product, anyhow!
Thanks for a good product, anyhow!
Read your post with interest, it does sound strange. The only thing I can imagine is some temporary disk trouble, that your fsck solved. Just let us know if the problems come back.
A constantly lit red LED for hours can only indicate a disk error, as far as I understand.
A constantly lit red LED for hours can only indicate a disk error, as far as I understand.
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)