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Question: Bubba OS wishlist

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Question: Bubba OS wishlist

Post by Gordon »

While porting the Bubba OS to Gentoo, which admittedly may not be people's first choice when even considering Linux, I found several items that I didn't like at all or wanted differently. Change requests have been issued in the past and I was wondering what people would want to keep from the old Bubba OS when upgrading.

I never really liked horde and in fact one of the first things I did change on my B3 was to install roundcube. The current version of horde does look a lot better, but also doesn't seem to let it capture itself in a package (it's a PEAR based install routine). My guess is that it's best to change the link in the web admin from '/pim' to '/webmail' and let everyone choose for themselves. What do you think?

This in fact never really worked for me. Don't know why, but it simply did not index all my photo's. The main issue I have with this package is that it depends on mysql, which is quite bulky in terms of memory usage and thus can be a source of overall system performance degradation. It appears to be build on the same framework as the web admin, so it's probably not a lot of work to build a package for it, but unless someone really wants it I won't do the effort.

(torrent) downloader
This is an old discussion. My plan is to keep ftd, because it also provides the upload functionality which I think is extremely useful. It may however be possible to change the link on the front page if people would rather use e.g. transmission.

If you are interested, please make your wishes and/or ideas known. These may also apply to items not listed in this post.
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Re: Question: Bubba OS wishlist

Post by Puma »


Which lots of interest i follow your development on Gentoo.
I would like to express my respect for the way you ported the Gentoo on the B3!
My goal was to upgrade my b3 units to wheezy because it was the next thing after squeeze and on debian (so I didn't have to learn new things...)

My wishlist is:
1. a working webinterface. (for wheezy I don not know if it can work)
2. Roundcube is perfect I run this inside owncloud as well.
3. Owncloud is very good (running 7 on squeeze) you can sync everything with thunderbird client on pc and android phones!
4. Never used the bubba album I use Gallery3 which is allright but retired unfortunately
5. RAID 1 via the webinterface (setup, restore, status etc)
6. a web solution as apache is now for use: dashmaster, dokuwiki etc.
7. proxy server squid with squidguard (internet filter for the kids)
8. Home automation with tellstick
9. firewall (but you integrated that allready I believe)

This is what I need and I do not ask for integration in the gentoo OS but the possibility to add this by myself.
I am not a linux pro I have installed this on the standard squeeze debian installation but I do not know if I can install this on Gentoo.
Is there a installation for owncloud 8 based for gentoo? I really don't know and how to install
So if this is possible I would go for Gentoo...


Linux is like a wigwam - no windows, no gates, apache inside!
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Re: Question: Bubba OS wishlist

Post by Gordon »

Well, I wouldn't call myself an expert as well, but over time I've come to understand the fundamentals more and more. I guess that could make me the one eyed man.

Of course a lot of work was done for me already. By a guy named Andrew Lunn who built the device tree file for the B3 and of course here on the forum user 'asl' who figured out how to fix the u-boot issue so we can run 3.x and 4.x kernels on our B3, and sakaki.

The thing about Gentoo that scares people is that you are supposed to do all the compiling yourself. That is actually a lot easier than it sounds, because all the logic and steps you should perform are encased in 'ebuilds'. You just select which optional features you do or do not want by setting USE flags. On the side, you do not really have to build packages yourself if you can get access to a binhost that holds precompiled packages using the same USE flags you selected. This is how I quickly install packages that I already built on one of the other B3's I own.

So yes your #1 item is largely complete now and I think #5 should work straight out of the box, although I should possibly check if there is any fixed reference to /dev/sda2 in there. Yes #9 is implemented using a more safe approach than in the original Bubba OS, allowing you to set filters that will be applied before anything you can enable through the web interface. e.g. a blacklist.

Most of your other wishes seem rather specific and would probably not require a hotlink from the Bubba web interface. Or would they? I don't really get #6 - you do know that you can create vhosts in apache?
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Re: Question: Bubba OS wishlist

Post by Binkem »

Things I use on my bubba are:

1. Roundcube
2. Sabnzbdplus
3. Squeezebox server

I would beinterested in using transmission.

I would like to thank you for your work Gordon. It seems your project is really strarting to work.

Posts: 1469
Joined: 10 Aug 2011, 03:18

Re: Question: Bubba OS wishlist

Post by Gordon »

Binkem wrote:Things I use on my bubba are:

1. Roundcube
2. Sabnzbdplus
3. Squeezebox server

I would beinterested in using transmission.

I would like to thank you for your work Gordon. It seems your project is really strarting to work.

I have Logitech Media Server 7.8 running on the Gentoo B3. The only issue I've had with it was when Perl was upgraded from 5.18 to 5.20 and the system didn't properly pick up on LMS needing to be rebuild as well.

The main reason for me asking the question at hand is because the main view of the Bubba web interface offers links that don't point to any valid location in the situation I'm currently building. Actually, 'music' never worked for me anyway because I don't have any iTunes devices and thus never had DAAP activated - I'd rather have seen it point to Squeezebox server.
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