if you are using my Arch Linux live-USB, version <= 1.1.2, please be aware that there is a networking race condition you should address, which can cause eth1 (and, in some situtations, eth0 as well) to fail to come up on boot.
To fix this problem, either use version >=1.1.3 of the image (now posted to GitHub, here), or, when logged in to an earlier version of the image, issue:
Code: Select all
[root@archb3 ~]# nano -w /etc/systemd/system/setethermac@.service
Code: Select all
Before=network-pre.target netctl@wan.service netctl@lan.service
Save, and exit nano. Reboot, and you are done.
Sorry about that ><, and thanks to Pascal G. for reporting the issue.
PS for those who are interested, the problem arises because I kexec the archlinuxarm kernel. As such, the ethernet adaptor MACs, which are normally set up by U-Boot, are set by the setethermac@.service instead. However, if this does not complete before netctl tries to start up eth0 or eth1 (via the wan or lan profiles), netctl will error out. My bad, apologies ><