First of all, thank you, MouettE and Gordon for the warnings and advice. I had read about lvm in some other threads but it's always nice to get a reminder and also to have a thread have all the important advice in it
Secondly a warning, the remainder of this post contains probably irritating expressions / language / emotions and is kind-of OT (but still connected to this topic in causality).
tl;dr: I'm finally coming to realize that the Bubba2 is only fun while it works out-of-the-box or for real falukorv users (and I mean that in a good way, chapeau MouettE!) and probably no longer for me.
I guess what I learned now is that being able (as in have enough skills not to be deterred by the device in whichever situation) to fully debug and hack around issues without being dependent on work others have prepared (thankfully!) is just as important as the Testing step in the Tao of Backup - you might go a long time without it but there will come a time when it will get you if you're not prepared.
So, here's the situation: after fiddling around for almost 3 accumulated full days I have made some tiny progress. Unfortunately I am one of the unlucky ones with a Bubba2 that tends to not always boot from a usb stick. But I have managed with a freshly partitioned and formatted stick and the rescue image to just do an installation.
(For the record and other souls in pain: I have to press the power button (while inserting the power plug as described elsewhere) just until the first blink of the blue LED and then let go before the second blink; then if the LED on my usb stick shows some non-activity but is lit, then shortly shows activity, then goes out for a half second or so and comes on again there is a 'good' chance (ca. 3 out of 5) that the Bubba LED will shortly after start to blink faster and reinstallation commences -- now, the rescue session is an entirely different beast that still chews by head off clean every time I try to tame it

However, even though the installation appears successfull in that the web interface is available I cannot login to ssh on either LAN or WAN port. They are up and the ssh prompt appears but after 3 attempts with password "excito" for root user all fail and the connection is dropped (as usual when password do not match for ssh). The issue is that indeed the entries in /etc/shadow (in the payload tar ball) DO match the "excito" password which I verified with some salted python crypt() magic
Of course with my Bubba2 there is also no serial port since the required components were not soldered on for production units... and I don't want to waste even more long hours trying to figure out which components to use, where to order them in Europe and then be lucky enough to actually solder them on correctly (I had done some soldering a few years back but nowadays everything is so tiny...).
As you can probably guess that at this stage I'm properly frustrated, becoming more and more angry and coming to the point where even though taking out the hdd and poking around to fix things *might* be a possibility (with probably many iterations

) I'm starting to think that I should just throw it out the window (don't worry, before I do that I will offer it for a mercy-sale here in the forum) and just go get some other device (and this time I know a lot better what to look for: serial/boot console, non-powerpc, standard kernel (not that I want to diminish in any way the great work that is being done by the community even - or especially - now!)).
Yes, the two ethernet ports were a nice feature with the Bubba but I'll just have to put some modem/router I have lying around as a firewall until I can afford a nice router that has {open,*}wrt or similar support.
Or I might just throw together some PC components... maybe I can use the chassis of that old old IBM server that has that cute desktop form factor and is now collecting dust in the cabinet... (hmmm "upgrading" the motherboard from a Pentium would sure be fun *g* - might even stick with it) and just make it an experiment in water-cooling

Heck, I might even repurpose my experimental rasperry pis for NAS, mpd, etc. and see how far that gets me...
Now if only I had saved up and gotten a Bubba3... early enough. But with them going to Canada now, the still high price, shipping and extra taxes (not to speak of the inconvenience of customs formalities) it's not worth it for me even after saving up enough eventually.
Anyway, thanks for reading my rant, for everyone's effort (both the original excito staff with which I had pleasant and good support communication always and also the 'new crew', special mention MouettE) and of course also for all the fish!
PS: Should I have offended anyone please know that it was entirely unintentional.
I *am* hugely grateful for the time during which my Bubba has given me ease of mind and convenience and it *will* be missed.
PPS: I'm not yet putting up the sale as I might still discover that indeed there are no alternatives for me in the current situation and setup or a miracle might happen to bring me back to Bubba
PPPS: And if nothing else apart from the above, I got a very cool usb stick with physical read/write-switch and LED out of it and that oughta count for quite something!