Looking at my honeypot logs I did notice that sometimes they try to fire up the cgi without parameters and check for it to return a 500 error. Quite possibly the defunct processes you refer to are caused by a bug in the wrapper.Cheeseboy wrote:I've also noticed a lot more of these.
And yesterday there where two defunct instances of php5.orig started by www-data...
I do wonder why some of you get so many hits on this. I get maybe 5 or 6 on a single day and days may pass that I don't get hit even once. I also do see the same addresses returning over and over again and if I were to remove all the doubles I would probably end up with a similar count of distinct addresses. That said: the actual count of attackers is even smaller, because I also did notice the exact same attack code being fired up by multiple IPs.
As far as sending abuse reports go: the IP addresses you're seeing in the apache logs appear to be victims just like you. The php code that is injected will in most cases download a perl script from a different IP than the one you see as the attacker. When executed, the perl script will set up an IRC channel with a third IP address that functions as the controller for your hacked B2|3. It's probably too simple a thought however to expect that this third IP address belongs to the hacker. It might be nice though if one could peek at these servers and see who makes relatively short visits to that server.
PS One of the IRC controllers that I found is hosted in The Netherlands and belongs to a German network of pr0n servers. Maybe that's why you guys get hit so often?