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Network stopped working

Got problems with your B2 or B3? Share and get helped!
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Re: Network stopped workingStill no contact. Redownloaded t

Post by d_rylndr »

Ok, did that and it disn't work... Still no contact.

Redownloaded the rescue system and verified it against the sha256 hash, formatted a new stick and moved the rescue system there.

Reinstalled on my spare hdd, wiping everything, format and partition.

Same state as before, can not reach b3 at all.
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Re: Network stopped working

Post by Ubi »

what was the bet for again?

ANyway, did you manage to run that output for ifconfig ?
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Re: Network stopped working

Post by johannes »

I don't remember any bet? :)

Sorry you aren't getting it to work. You can always send it to us and we'll find out what's wrong. Send with your spare disk if this is easier for you. Contact if you want to send it in to get adress and other details.
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
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Re: Network stopped working

Post by d_rylndr »

Ubi wrote:...ANyway, did you manage to run that output for ifconfig ?
No, I didn't. I have researched a little but can't figure out how to do this. If you know how from the top of your head I'm willing to try, otherwise I'll send it to Excito.

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Re: Network stopped working

Post by Gordon »

What I find that works well, is to insert echoes that tell me which part of code is executed. This will give me an indication of where the script stops executing and then I'll know where to look.

However, rather than going about and edit every initV script you could start with assuming that the system gets far enough to enable cron and use this to dump information of the current state every minute.e.g. you could have it run:

Code: Select all

#list current active processes
top -b -n 1 -i - >> /var/log/debug.log
#network info
ip route >> /var/log/debug.log
if cron is never started there will obviously not be a /var/log/debug.log and in that case you could try to mimic cron by inserting the following line at the start of one of the initV scripts (e.g.

Code: Select all

while [ 1 ]; do <run above script>; sleep 30; done &
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Re: Network stopped working

Post by Ubi »

also add

Code: Select all

ifconfig >> /var/log/debug.log
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Re: Network stopped working

Post by drdr6 »

Following my tinkering with horde, my box stopped working.

I'm now in _exactly_ the same situation as d_rylndr; I have a box that has been formatted and reinstalled, will get an IP and talk if booted from the install stick but when left to boot itself won't talk to anything.

What was the next thing at the end of page 3 ? Did d_rylndr return his B3 to Excito ?

I'm going to try another USB stick as I could subscribe to the corrupt image theory, but I too am out of ideas
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Re: Network stopped working

Post by drdr6 »

Re-downloaded image, double checked sha1 checksum, both previous and new images check out
initialised a new stick, set to install again, same result; no network connection

Went back to old stick, set that to install again; this time b3 stays with purple light on for many more minutes, eventually goes blue and the WAN interface will take an IP from my router's DHCP and present a web interface, phew!

The impression I have is that the rescue image only works properly about one time in two or three - have seen this several times when just booting from the stick; flashes a couple of times after the LED has gone gree, then nothing and no SSH access; other times there's a pause and then more USB activity and SSH interface works.

Now I just have to put everything back how it was; 300GB of user data, PPP configuration, firewall, postfix, dovecot, dhcp etc..
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Re: Network stopped working

Post by Gordon »

That sounds very strange. When experimenting with disk usage have booted the B3 several times with the rescue stick and it never failed. What type(s) of USB sticks are you using?
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Re: Network stopped working

Post by johannes »

Just to get closure: We hade it in repair, exchanged the motherboard and now it works (David, please confirm that it still is OK)?

Could have been bad connection on the ethernet for instance, difficult to know.
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
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Re: Network stopped working

Post by d_rylndr »

johannes wrote:Just to get closure: We hade it in repair, exchanged the motherboard and now it works (David, please confirm that it still is OK)?

Could have been bad connection on the ethernet for instance, difficult to know.
Actually no. it does not... Sorry for not getting back sooner.
As said I got it replaced by excito and it did work with the installation they did. This was a 40gb spare disk, so I needed to change back to my server disk.
So reinstalled on that but it still didn't work. Ok, toasted disk I though so I had to get a new one to try which I've just recently did, thus the long break from this thread.
-Same with that disk, looks like it installs alright and I can see the wired network from other computers with a cable to the b3 LAN port but I can't connect to it. My machines just tries to connect until they time out.

LAN and WAN lights is green on the b3 and the LAN light blinks as other machines tries to connect.
I've tried several different usb-sticks, created from several different machines with different downloads of the install image, as well as older install images. All verified by hash.
i've tried many different network cables. I also tried another power adaptor for the b3.
Nothing works, except the 40gb spare disk installed by Excito...

I realise it sounds like I'm just beating my b3 with a stick shouting at it expecting it to work but no, I've done everyting after protocol, trying lots of combinations of hardware and cables. I'm stumped, I can't see anything reason it behaves like this!
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Re: Network stopped working

Post by RandomUsername »

Well if they've replaced the motherboard then you've effectively got a different B3 that by your own admission worked when it was returned to you. Therefore you are either doing something wrong or it is an environmental problem. I haven't read the full thread for a while, have you tried different cables?
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Re: Network stopped working

Post by Ubi »

indeed. You show that both B3 you used work with a disk that Excito gave you, bt not with some other disk. This suggests the problem lies with the disk, or the sata cable going to the disk.

Please describe the EXACT make and model of the disks that you used
Please describe in a way somebody else can reproduce how you reached the conclusion for each disk that the machine is faulty.

Because for now I still think the problem is in your network. PLease convince me otherwise in a way I can reproduce. Saying "it doesnt work" is not useful.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2011, 03:18

Re: Network stopped working

Post by Gordon »

Okay then, lets sum this up:

- it didn't work before with any disk
- you sent it in with a 40Gb disk installed and when it was returned it worked
- it does not work with the original (2TB? 3TB?) disk
- if you put back the 40Gb disk it still works

Is that correct? I think you said you reinstalled the system from an USB rescue stick but left the data partition intact. I actually wonder if this type of reinstall also does a format of /dev/sda1? I think you should check disk usage on the root partition and specifically inode usage (`df -i`).
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Re: Network stopped working

Post by Ubi »

maybe people here should read the first few posts in this thread where it is stated that the machine could be reached just fine just not via a specific routing method. Yet it did result in the conclusion that the machine could not be reached at all there as well. So before we go over this routine again, I really would want to see diagnostics in concrete and reproducible steps.
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