What is the fastest file copy method between an encrypted external HD and the bubba3 ?
I've got 1TB of cryptsetup encrypted data on an external HD. If I mount the drive on the b3 by USB, the copy process is extremely slow (11MB/s !!). I guess this is because of encryption.
So I tried multiple methods. The best I could do (20MB/s) is to
- use the b3 as a DHCP server
- connect the LAN internet port to a laptop with a RJ45 cable
- nfs mount the b3 on the laptop
- mount the encrypted HD on the laptop
- copy files.
Is there anything better? I'm ont even convinced that a non-encrypted usb drive mounted on the b3 will be much faster.
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fastest file copy for encrypted data?
Re: fastest file copy for encrypted data?
Usb is slow, its just simple as that. Why not get an esta adaptor to connect the drive to the b3 over a fast bus?
Re: fastest file copy for encrypted data?
You're talking about the e-sata entry in the back of the b3 ?
Re: fastest file copy for encrypted data?
Is it posible to mount an encrypted drive on the e-sata slot ? I've no idea. I guess you get a /dev/something and from there you can mount manually. I'll try. Thx!