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B3 not seen in all ip- networks

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Joined: 17 May 2008, 15:49

B3 not seen in all ip- networks

Post by pcrene »

Hello all,

Strange problem. I am in a upc/chello network starting e.g with 1.x.x.x
My friends are also in the upc/ chello network but cannot reach my B3 ( even made thr B3 DMZ).
Other friends from outside the upc/ chello network do not have problems in finding my B3.

I think the problem is upc/ chello but before i start a real fight with them i have a question for the forum.

Does a standart B3 have the possebility to block ip- adresses if they access the B3 too often.

B3 1T + B-Stor 2T, B2 1T as backup
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Re: B3 not seen in all ip- networks

Post by Gordon »

Hi Rene,

I'd guess UPC has explicitly configured their network to not allow routeback to other UPC customers. They'll most likely have done this to prevent customers from seeing each others Windows shares and probably don't care that this also blocks traffic that people might actually want. In fact, they may even like that this also prevents their customers from exchanging torrents - quite a hot item in "free" Netherlands.

AFAIK a standard B3 has no "hammering" protection.
Posts: 305
Joined: 17 May 2008, 15:49

Re: B3 not seen in all ip- networks

Post by pcrene »


I read on that i am not the only one.
Until 16 march no problem.. It is sesorship :evil:

B3 1T + B-Stor 2T, B2 1T as backup
40 users active....
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