Using Bubba as 3G router with this kind of unofficial setup, you also can't setup your firewall from GUI. So i also think, that a wan ppp0 setting should be included
I agree with you meta96.
ppp0 as a choice of selectable WAN interfaces, would be nice. And then there is that bridging of unused WAN port with LAN save an extra cost of getting network switch
Lately I have switched my 3G modem from an old 3G phone to a genuine 3G modem. Stability of 3G connection has improved remarkably.
If the 3G connection is cut off, it is usually because the modem has crashed or the wvdial has died.
In case of modem crash I just plug off the modem and then put it back and run wvdial from terminal.
If the 3G connection is lost but modem seems to be working , I check if wvdial process is running with terminal command:
If the command is answered by a number, I know that wvdial is still running and then kill wvdial with command:
wait a few moments and run wvdial to restart connection.
Treatment is finished with Pressing
Ctr+z and giving a command:
This sends wvdial to a background and now the terminal can be freely closed without disturbing the 3G connection.
I have no cron job scripts watching over 3G connection. That is why connection problems are needed to be solved manually with terminal. I don't know how to make a cron job scripts
Fortunately for now, connection is stable enough that I don't mind doing a manual restart now and then.