One way of handling this is by creating a cron job that (hourly) pings some server, displays the ifconfig data and restarts the network. Output all data to >> /tmp/something.txt together with a timestamp and you can do some easy postmortem analysis without recompiling the kernel.
Hi Ubi (and everyone else),
I've now started putting a script together as per your suggestion.
Do you have any pointers on how to restart the network?
First I tried just calling:
but it gives me warnings about the restart argument is deprecated, so then I just used stop and then start, redirecting the output to my little log file.
It doesn't shut down the network though, this is the output when using "stop":
Code: Select all
not deconfiguring network interfaces: network file systems still mounted. ... (warning).
Am I looking in the wrong place?
Is there a better way to restart all the network interfaces from my script?
Many thanks!