Installing rTorrent from the source.
This has 2 big advantages and one disandvantage:
+ you can install the latest version
+ you can manage it from anywhere using
nTorrent or
n2hell or ...
- you can compile it only on etch
before installing the new version
-Note that it is not as simple as run 3 times the configure,make,make install commands.
-Do NOT compile with gcc 4.1 or later, it won't work. Use gcc 3.4!
-I needed to do the following: (no, I don't remember why)
Code: Select all
sudo nano /etc/
add the line:
run sudo ldconfig
ntorrent source install stepps:
install compilers and co
1.1 sudo aptitude install ...
* make
* gcc-3.4
* g++-3.4
* pkg-config
* libssl-dev
* libsigc++-2.0-dev
* libncurses-dev
* libcurl3
* libcurl3-dev
* libapache2-mod-scgi
* python-scgi
NOTE: libsigc++-dev is not equal to libsigc++-2.0-dev
1.2 run: export CXX=g++-3.4 (if you have a newer gcc installed too)
install xmlrpc-c
2.1 download xmlrpc-c sources from
2.2 unpack source
2.3 go to source dir
2.4 ./configure
2.5 make
2.6 make install
install libtorrent
3.1 download the ntorrent and libtorrent sources
3.2 unpack the sources (u can use mc)
3.3 go into extracted source dir of libtorrent
3.4 ./configure
3.5 make
3.6 make install
install rtorrent
4.1 cd to rtorrent source dir
4.3 ./configure --with-xmlrpc-c
4.4 make
4.5 make check
4.6 make install
set new settings for apache and rtorrent
5.1 add the following line to
5.1 add the following line to
scgi_port =
NOTE: you may change the port, but it is not advised
5.2 setup scgi modul
add the following line to apache2.conf:
LoadModule scgi_module modules/
or enable the scgi module by creating a soft link in the mods-enabled dir.
5.3 restart apache
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
6. test xmlrpc-c:
xmlrpc localhost system.listMethods
(you should see a long list of available methods)
If all went ok, then no you can start you new
You should see a message, similar to this:
Code: Select all
(19:00:10) Using 'epoll' based polling.
(19:00:10) XMLRPC initialized with 389 functions.
(19:00:10) The SCGI socket is bound to a specific network device yet may still p
If something does not work (during compiling), then read these:
rTorrent - xmlrpc guide
libtorrent ticket 915
libtorrent ticket 840
Note: I spent several days on compiling, installing and writing this guide.
If something does not work, do not wonder; this is SPARTA

(or linux)