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Hi, the 100th power loss to Bubba2 I got the regular blinking blue. The rescue usb stick has never worked for me and I´m getting tired of constantly loosing my files. So I put my bubba HDD in a external HDD drive and plugged it to my networked Popcorn Hour. I am now able to browse it from my PC with WIN7. But where the heck are all the files? The "home" directory is empty and all other folders are full of all kinds of crap BUT the files I´m looking for. Where are they, I can´t even find the storage folder?
It's on an lvm volume so I doubt your Popcorn Hour will be able to read it. Your best bet is to plug it into a Linux box (use a live CD if you don't have one) and mount it from there.
This did actually work and I found the files as described. But then I'm lost once more since I could'nt find my other HDD's I would like to copy the files to. This whole lot is very confusing when i'm not used to Linux stuff.
How should I do the same operation with "the Ubuntu Live CD". I tried it too and Ubuntu made more sense to me. But how do I mount