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Working Iptables?

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Working Iptables?

Post by limpo »


Please, could someone explain how to get Iptables working on bubba, I know you need to compile the missing netfilter kernel module, but how does one do that correctly?
I guess its something like this but dont know: current kernel source,
2. run make menuconfig,
3. add netfilter on iptalbes
4. save and run make modules & make modules install

Posts: 703
Joined: 06 Dec 2006, 12:24

Post by tor »

Hi Limpo,

You are right in your outline on how to do this. Unfortunately you can't compile this on Bubba with the development tools provided there. We have compiled the kernel that runs on Bubba with a newer version of GCC on our desktop computers.

We will try to add more on this as soon as we do our migration of some of our websites. I can however give you a link to our kernel sources: (Dont use the modules.tar.gz in that directory, they wont load) but we unfortunately havnt time to support this right now.

And if someone didn't get it. This is very unsupported ;) do modifications and you cant count on support. (We will of course try to help anyone with problems) Im not sure if bjorn is looking at this. But i think(?) he got a swedish description on how to recompile modules of me some time ago. Perhaps he can share that if he have time. Could be a good start on howto recompile your modules and kernel later.

Co-founder OpenProducts and Ex Excito Developer
Posts: 59
Joined: 24 Mar 2007, 06:50

Post by limpo »

Hi, Tor

If I should test this and screw up, would I still be able to do a reinstall(with usb-image) again, or would this somehow corrupt the internar nvram flash?
I guess worst case scenario would be a reinstalling all again?

But If it would not be possible to reinstall again then I would reconsider.

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Joined: 06 Dec 2006, 04:38
Location: Sweden

Post by pa »

You will still be able to reinstall using the USB option.

Posts: 9
Joined: 16 Apr 2007, 14:03

Post by hotep »

Firewalls are nice. But I don't know how to configure iptables. Are there any web-based methods to configure iptables that would work nicely on Bubba?