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Thanks for your help.
Unfortunately it just does not seem to work ???
If I reconnect external (eSATA) RAID disk after Bubba has booted up and running, Bubba does not recognise RAID array at all. It just wants to format or create array again.
screenshot from Disk information subpage after Bubba is running and external eSATA RAID disk is reconnected.
Screenshot From RAID subpage.
Image is clipped, but there is no RAID arrays to display
Screenshot clicking Raid recovery button with mouse.
Second test run after Bubba has been rebooted.
After reboot while external RAID disk is attached....Brio at least recognises that there has been RAID array in the external disk. This still doesn't help much since array can't re recovered.
Disk information
RAID information
Recovery attempt
Something is wrong. Bubba recognises presence of RAID array but it is not able to start recovery for some reason. ... or maybe Bubba is searching recovery data from the wrong disk ??
If the external disk would the one that was broken then there would be no problem with revovery.
Yesterday on the disk page said external disk error.
So I had to repair the raid system. I hope it was not caused due to the fact that i installed squid and squidguard.
But repairing worked ok! Thanks Excito team!!
Maybe you can generate an email to the admins if something happens??
Linux is like a wigwam - no windows, no gates, apache inside!
Full RAID1 (System directories as well) is definately a need. I know I have a couple of sales that are pending full RAID1 becoming available.
Anyone who questions why your RAID implementation only mirrors /home is probably tech savvy enough to know they have to set their system up properly and install from a USB stick
The reason for us not being able to mirror the whole disk is purely technical. Out bootloader ("Bios") is not capable of reading the kernel of disk if the system partition where part of the raid array
So unfortunately this is not easily solved. The reason for it being this way is that we early on, during hw-design, took a decision to only store the bootloader in flash and not the kernel itself. That leaves greater flexibility for tweaking by the end user but unfortunately leaves us with the problem with f.x raid.
Thanks for the explanation. So it sounds like /boot is your issue as that is only readable in non RAID by the bootloader in bios. Don't see that as a major issue, because you don't need to recover that anyway.
If I'm understanding this correctly, then everything on the disk should be RAIDable and you just move the mount point of /boot outside the RAID. Then modify the USB boot disk to spot if a RAID array is failed and offer to restore it. It then rebuilds /boot as a mount and the rest of the RAID array from the second disk. Its not a perfect solution, but should work if I understand your problem fully.
My colleague and I are very experienced Sys Admins, so if you want some help figuring this out, we would be happy to help.
I do believe that RAID recovery bug has raised it's uglu head once again.
Bubba had been running several weeks RAIDed. Now I had to do software reinstallation and result was that Brio did not recognise external eSATA RAID disk anymore.
RAID status says:
RAID array degraded
Disk missing in RAID array '/dev/md0'.
RAID / Detailed infromation says:
/dev/md0 raid1 Clean 989.0G
/dev/sdb1 /dev/md0 In sync 976.8G
When I press recover RAID array button, following info is displayed:
I would appreciate your input with solving a problem that occurred after having upgraded my Bubba Two to the latest software release (1.3.0). Please note that I use the external Bubba Disk with the e-SATA connection.
screenshot1.png (19.79 KiB) Viewed 19794 times
screenshot3.png (16.2 KiB) Viewed 19794 times
screenshot2.png (10.99 KiB) Viewed 19794 times
I received a notification that my RAID array is degraded. An attempt to recover initially seems to work (current recovery progress 100%) but then fails. Disk SDB1 has status 'spare' and after logging in I receive a warning that my disk is missing in the RAID array '/dev/md0'. Reformatting the external disk and starting all over again did not work either. Has my disk (few months old) gone to the dogs or is the software not working as it should?
I would appreciate your input with solving a problem that occurred after having upgraded my Bubba Two to the latest software release (1.3.0). Please note that I use the external Bubba Disk with the e-SATA connection.
I received a notification that my RAID array is degraded. An attempt to recover initially seems to work (current recovery progress 100%) but then fails. Disk SDB1 has status 'spare' and after logging in I receive a warning that my disk is missing in the RAID array '/dev/md0'. Reformatting the external disk and starting all over again did not work either. Has my disk (few months old) gone to the dogs or is the software not working as it should?
How to solve this?
Thanks for your help,
Best regards,
This is nothing I've seen before, strange that it would fail when it's finish. If possible, could you contact with some information, like the content of your syslog (/var/log/syslog via SSH or Settings → Logs → syslog via UI). If you can access your bubba via SSH, the output of the command "mdadm --detail /dev/md0" would be useful, taken at the moment the bar says 100% as in screenshot two.