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Recovering RAID
Recovering RAID
How long time to recovering Raid system on 2Tb disk?
Re: Recovering RAID
There must be some bug in this software.
When starting recovery raid nothing happens 0,00% 24 hours later.
This is second time Bubba f.u.c.k up my files. in 6 month...
Is there any developing in this anymore or what ?
Slow network transfer, No secure software.
I'm very disappointed about Bubba2. This is not a good solution.
When starting recovery raid nothing happens 0,00% 24 hours later.
This is second time Bubba f.u.c.k up my files. in 6 month...
Is there any developing in this anymore or what ?
Slow network transfer, No secure software.
I'm very disappointed about Bubba2. This is not a good solution.
Re: Recovering RAID
I'm sorry to hear you've got this many problems with your Bubba, and clearly this is an serious bug.ubbe wrote:There must be some bug in this software.
When starting recovery raid nothing happens 0,00% 24 hours later.
This is second time Bubba f.u.c.k up my files. in 6 month...
Is there any developing in this anymore or what ?
Slow network transfer, No secure software.
I'm very disappointed about Bubba2. This is not a good solution.
A recovery of a 2TB RAID should take about 24 to 48 hours, so clearly something is really wrong here, can you tell me what kind of disk you are trying to recover to? Was it used previously or was it fully clean?
If possible, I would like to take a look at your bubba (via SSH), where I will be better able to locate and resolve the problem.
Re: Recovering RAID
I suppose you will need open ports 21 23 80?
I will do that now and send you a PM about login and password
Yes extern disk is used in raid 1 but.. A lot of files..
On friday box reboot and start flashing and go on like that for about 5 hours.
then i do a restart but nothing happend.
Have too boot up using USB and do a new install.
When trying to recover raid nothing happend and go on like this about 25 hours.
Thanks for helping. but try to not destroy info on extern disk.
Thats is a bubba storage 2t
I suppose you will need open ports 21 23 80?
I will do that now and send you a PM about login and password
Yes extern disk is used in raid 1 but.. A lot of files..
On friday box reboot and start flashing and go on like that for about 5 hours.
then i do a restart but nothing happend.
Have too boot up using USB and do a new install.
When trying to recover raid nothing happend and go on like this about 25 hours.
Thanks for helping. but try to not destroy info on extern disk.
Thats is a bubba storage 2t
Re: Recovering RAID
I would seriously consider ditching a raid setup unless you really really need it. Raid has a tendency to give you more problems than it solves (for home use that is). If you want your files to be secure, take backup copies of them.
Re: Recovering RAID
Yeah, I just do an periodic rsync from my main system disk to a backup disk.
Re: Recovering RAID
How long time for a 1t disk to synk?mcg wrote:Yeah, I just do an periodic rsync from my main system disk to a backup disk.
Re: Recovering RAID
I use RSync to do my backup as the built in client is not ready for the big time yet.
Backing up over 700GB of data, takes a good few hours the first time, but the daily incrementals take a couple of minutes.
Bubba 2 is definitely still under development. A few of us are testing the new stuff along with the WiFi.
Backing up over 700GB of data, takes a good few hours the first time, but the daily incrementals take a couple of minutes.
Bubba 2 is definitely still under development. A few of us are testing the new stuff along with the WiFi.
Re: Recovering RAID
Same shit again.
Now a powerdown regarding to elecktric failure and when boot up again
no synk in raid.
I tryout to recover raid but get this and then stop...
Need help to solve this.
Now a powerdown regarding to elecktric failure and when boot up again
no synk in raid.
I tryout to recover raid but get this and then stop...
Need help to solve this.
Re: Recovering RAID
Hello All
Just for your info..
B2 with RAID1 i crashed last weekend my 1T external. New disk in it, and 12 hours later all
was in sync again.
Just for your info..
B2 with RAID1 i crashed last weekend my 1T external. New disk in it, and 12 hours later all
was in sync again.
B3 1T + B-Stor 2T, B2 1T as backup
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Re: Recovering RAID
the issue for me is when i do a reboot the raid will failure.
I have to do a reboot when external disk is removed and after boot connect external disk and then recover raid
The led keep on flashing... a bit anoying and not good WAF
I have two 2T disk in raid.
Is there somone that have a solution on this?
I have to do a reboot when external disk is removed and after boot connect external disk and then recover raid
The led keep on flashing... a bit anoying and not good WAF
I have two 2T disk in raid.
Is there somone that have a solution on this?