I wonder if I could use Bubba as telephony mailbox? So I reroute calls to my home after a while as VoIP to Bubba who should answer and record?
Would that be feasible?
E.g. Asterisk shows the following dependencies:
The following extra packages will be installed:
asterisk-config asterisk-sounds-main libasound2 libgsm1 libltdl3 libpri1
libreadline4 libspeex1 libsqlite0 libtonezone1 odbcinst1 unixodbc
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Any Voip Client? Asterisk?
We have tried to run Asterisk on Bubba. Its available through the Debian repos. And we can confirm that it indeed do run. We have however not done any more serious testing on this. If you try it we are of course curious on how it works
We have tried to run Asterisk on Bubba. Its available through the Debian repos. And we can confirm that it indeed do run. We have however not done any more serious testing on this. If you try it we are of course curious on how it works

Co-founder OpenProducts and Ex Excito Developer
Asterisk in Debian repositories is ancient.
The asterisk in the debian repository is really old. We're working on a newer solution, and have gotten the latest Asterisk to compile, though that wasn't easy.tor wrote:Hi,
We have tried to run Asterisk on Bubba. Its available through the Debian repos. And we can confirm that it indeed do run. We have however not done any more serious testing on this. If you try it we are of course curious on how it works
How can i bridge my wireless connection at my hotel on my laptop to a VOIP adapter via ethernet cable? I have a wireless connection at my hotel. There is no wired connection. I need to connect an Ethernet cable from my laptop to my VOIP adapter and bridge the wireless Internet to feed Internet to my VOIP adapter. Is it possible?
market samurai ~ marketsamurai ~ marketsamurai.com
market samurai ~ marketsamurai ~ marketsamurai.com
Re: Any Voip Client? Asterisk?
I know this is an old thread. But I thought some would be interested to know I have been able to compile Asterisk 1.6 from source and have it working with Skype for SIP with my Bubba II. No problems. Call quality perfect and everything else like voicemail etc all working as expected. This is great as I can now turn off my Mac Mini which had to run 24/7 for my office phone service. Will save me some electricity!
I would recommend this solution if you want a SIP setup as the combination of Bubba + Asterisk + Skype for SIP works fantastically.

Re: Any Voip Client? Asterisk?
wow, cool!
I'm also interested in setting up Asterisk on Bubba II. Could you please write a short guideline, or some concerns to bear in mind when compiling all the packages?
I'm sure there are others that could benefit from this!
I'm also interested in setting up Asterisk on Bubba II. Could you please write a short guideline, or some concerns to bear in mind when compiling all the packages?
I'm sure there are others that could benefit from this!
Re: Any Voip Client? Asterisk?
I went through a lot of pain before I could get it working. There is a Asterisk 1.4 version on the debian repo but I wanted to use a newer version. I found this blog post and followed it to the letter:
http://rutmandal.info/infotalk/2009/03/ ... debian-40/
Once you have compiled from source (it takes a while!) open asterisk.conf and edit the top line accordingly:
If you want to run Asterisk as the user 'asterisk' then you'll have to follow these steps:
After you've done that reboot Bubba. I had to do that for everything to work.
You should be able to do this now (as 'root' or 'asterisk' if you've changed permissions per the step above):
You can add verbosity with:
(or how may v's you want)
After you've got asterisk up and running you now have to update sip.conf and extensions.conf (according to your SIP providers instructions). If you're using Skype for SIP take a look at this post:
I modified my confs slightly.
This is what I added to the top of sip.conf:
This is what I added to the bottom of extensions.conf:
In the bottom of voicemail.conf:
Theses configs could probably be done better, but they work for me. You'll have to edit extensions.conf according to your country code. For UK (where I am) I have +44 so you'd switch it with +46 for Sweden, for example. This is Skype for SIP specific. All calls must start with the country code +44 20 7.... It may not be the case with other SIP providers.
I'm using a Cisco IP phone and it works great. Also checkout 'Telephone' (code.google.com/p/telephone/) soft IP phone if you're on a Mac.
Hope this helps.
http://rutmandal.info/infotalk/2009/03/ ... debian-40/
Once you have compiled from source (it takes a while!) open asterisk.conf and edit the top line accordingly:
Code: Select all
[directories](!) ; remove the (!) to enable this
After you've done that reboot Bubba. I had to do that for everything to work.
You should be able to do this now (as 'root' or 'asterisk' if you've changed permissions per the step above):
Code: Select all
bubba:/# asterisk -r
Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2008 Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com>
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.
Connected to Asterisk currently running on bubba (pid = 2529)
Verbosity is at least 9
You can add verbosity with:
Code: Select all
asterisk -rvvv
After you've got asterisk up and running you now have to update sip.conf and extensions.conf (according to your SIP providers instructions). If you're using Skype for SIP take a look at this post:
I modified my confs slightly.
This is what I added to the top of sip.conf:
Code: Select all
register => 9905100000XXXX:LxXTF999QXXXX@sip.skype.com/9905100000XXX
externip = XX.XX.XX.XX
Code: Select all
include => local
exten => _0.,1,Dial(SIP/SkypeForSIP/+44${EXTEN:1})
exten => _00.,1,Dial(SIP/SkypeForSIP/+${EXTEN:2})
exten => 9905100000XXXX,1,Dial(SIP/100, 20)
exten => 9905100000XXXX,2,VoiceMail(100@mb_config)
exten => 9905100000XXXX,3,PlayBack(vm-goodbye)
exten => 9905100000XXXX,4,Hangup()
exten => *97,1,VoiceMailMain(100@mb_conf)
Code: Select all
100 => 100, 100, youremail@yourdomain.com
I'm using a Cisco IP phone and it works great. Also checkout 'Telephone' (code.google.com/p/telephone/) soft IP phone if you're on a Mac.
Hope this helps.
Re: Any Voip Client? Asterisk?
Thanks for detailed reply!
I'll give it a try to set it up, I guess won't have that many follow-up questions...
Thanks for detailed reply!
I'll give it a try to set it up, I guess won't have that many follow-up questions...