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by past_51
13 Apr 2015, 18:34
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Is my B3 dead ?
Replies: 13
Views: 26558

Re: Is my B3 dead ?

I probably should have explained myself better when I suggested the power failure due to the USB device being attached/powered on. I too think that the replacement PSU is probably underpowered. It is likely that you may have referenced the documented power rating to end up with a more or less ...
by past_51
13 Apr 2015, 18:32
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Is my B3 dead ?
Replies: 13
Views: 26558

Re: Is my B3 dead ?

Im not sure if this is relevant but:
The B3 adapter is special in a way that it produces a lot of Amps. Most regular PSU cannot do this and underpower the box, which then refuses to start.
Hi Ubi,

As said, I made a mistake, the PSU is the original one. I only changed the power cord.
But, I agree ...
by past_51
13 Apr 2015, 18:30
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Is my B3 dead ?
Replies: 13
Views: 26558

Re: Is my B3 dead ?

Hi past_51,

further update, I just borrowed an external (powered) Seagate USB drive and connected it to the B3 running Arch (1.1.3 version), it came up fine, even when I toggled the power to it while still connected (not very nice for the drive, but still...).

What make / model of external drive ...
by past_51
13 Apr 2015, 18:20
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Is my B3 dead ?
Replies: 13
Views: 26558

Re: Is my B3 dead ?


so, on my test B3, when booting off a USB key (Lexar 16GB, with an integral LED), serial console attached, rear-button pressed, I get (via the serial console):
U-Boot 2010.06 (Jun 10 2011 - 09:06:51)

SoC: Kirkwood 88F6281_A0
DRAM: 512 MiB
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net ...
by past_51
11 Apr 2015, 09:55
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Is my B3 dead ?
Replies: 13
Views: 26558

Re: Is my B3 dead ?


Some news here.
I tried to boot Gentoo from an live USB key, without any hdd.
It's not working. The front led goes and stays green, no blinking.
What is strange is that even if I put on the rear button and I plug the power, I don't see any access to the USB key (the USB key's LED is not ...
by past_51
10 Apr 2015, 22:17
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Is my B3 dead ?
Replies: 13
Views: 26558

Re: Is my B3 dead ?


I can hear the internal HDD turning on during the boot.
I tested it on my laptop by connecting it to an external USB shelf, and it worked well.
So the internal disk shouldn't be the problem.

I will try the gentoo tomorrow.

Again, thanks for your help guys!
by past_51
09 Apr 2015, 22:44
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Is my B3 dead ?
Replies: 13
Views: 26558

Re: Is my B3 dead ?

Hi sakaki,

Yes, it rebooted on its own, once the power of the external HDD was turned on (I can switch the power on or off on the external HDD).

I already used this external HDD with my B3 and had no problem. The HDD is recognized on my computer, and can browse it. The only difference is that I ...
by past_51
07 Apr 2015, 21:28
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Is my B3 dead ?
Replies: 13
Views: 26558

Is my B3 dead ?

Dear all,

Looking up for some advise here...

I had my B3 running ArchLinux (sakaki's version).
I connected my external HDD through USB, with an external power, and my B3 rebooted from itself, then hang.
So, I rebooted without the external HDD connected, and it continues to hang.

When I try to ...
by past_51
05 Apr 2015, 22:20
Forum: Howtos
Topic: OpenMediaVault
Replies: 6
Views: 23299

Re: OpenMediaVault

Hi fabio,

I'm interested by your experience.
Any problem with OMV ? Are all plugins working ?

Which topics did you followed to install Wheezy ?

I'm currently hesitating between ArchLinux (sakaki's version) and an updated Wheezy version.

Thanks for your feedback :)
by past_51
31 Mar 2015, 22:02
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Plex Media Server
Replies: 4
Views: 11826

Re: Plex Media Server


For information, Plex Media Server is available for archlinuxarm.
I tried a bit, seems to work well.

by past_51
31 Mar 2015, 22:00
Forum: Development
Topic: Keep your B3 up-to-date with Arch Linux! (new live USB)
Replies: 5
Views: 13200

Re: Keep your B3 up-to-date with Arch Linux! (new live USB)

Hi sakaki,

I tested the version 1.1.2, and tried to install on the hard drive (gpt script), it worked fine.
I would only recommend to separate the storage from the root partition, in case of reinstall without loosing all data.

I was interested by having a system without interstitial kernel, but if ...
by past_51
28 Mar 2015, 17:36
Forum: Development
Topic: Keep your B3 up-to-date with Arch Linux! (new live USB)
Replies: 5
Views: 13200

Re: Keep your B3 up-to-date with Arch Linux! (new live USB)

Hi sakaki,

I will test as I just need to reinstall my B3 (wifi edition) and was thinking to go to Arch Linux.

2 questions:
- What about partition alignment ? Will your install script take care of that ? (HDD of 4TB)
- As my UBoot is already flashed, can I remove the file from the /boot ...
by past_51
05 Nov 2014, 06:24
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Excito B3 brand and remaining B3 stock purchased !
Replies: 32
Views: 168003

Re: Excito B3 brand and remaining B3 stock purchased !

What a great news! And I'm just moving to Québec city (from France), this is fun :wink:
by past_51
28 Oct 2014, 03:49
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Update UBOOT from OS
Replies: 38
Views: 82724

Re: Update UBOOT from OS


I finally did it... a bit late as I thought to do it before... but it worked fine with these commands:

Code: Select all

apt-get -y install mtd-utils
flash_eraseall /dev/mtd0
mtd_debug write /dev/mtd0 0 $(stat --printf '%s' "u-boot.kwb") <path to u-boot-kwb>
by past_51
27 Oct 2014, 18:48
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Arch Linux on B3
Replies: 17
Views: 35830

Re: Arch Linux on B3

Hi Cilyan,

Thanks for this info. Yes, I already updated my uboot.