if you are interested in keeping your B3's software up-to-date (both kernel and user packages) using a convenient binary distribution (no compilation involved!), you might like to try the 1.1.0 release of my Arch Linux live USB for the B3 (image available on GitHub, here).
As before, this should work on any 'stock' B3; no soldering, compilation or U-Boot flashing is required. You can run the live USB without affecting any existing (Excito Debian) system on your B3's hard drive. Changes you make are persisted on the USB, however, so if you install a new package, for example, it'll still be there next time you boot from the USB. Permanent installation to your B3's HDD is also supported, for those who want to do that.
Arch Linux, like Debian, is a binary distribution, so you can install and update your B3 very quickly (using the command "pacman -Syu", see below). This new release of the live USB has some significant new features:
- An 'interstitial' kernel is used, which then patches, loads and kexecs the 'real' (linux-kirkwood-dt) kernel, provided by archlinuxarm.org. This trick enables you to use archlinuxarm.org's binary kernels (without requiring a U-Boot reflash). You can also change the kernel command line if you like (just modify the file /boot/kexec.sh)
- Tor's bubba-buttond is now included, so you can power off your B3 by holding down the rear button, when running Arch, just as you would in Debian.
- The official archlinuxarm.org workaround for the Marvell TSO issue is included.
- All packages have been brought up to date against the archlinuxarm.org tree, as of 27 March 2015.
- The ssh host keys are now regenerated on first boot, for security.
- For those who wish to install Arch Linux onto their B3's HDD (this is strictly optional), a script has been provided to simplify the process (/root/install_on_sda.sh).
Once logged in, you can then play around with Arch. For example, install the apache web server:
Code: Select all
[root@archb3 ~]# pacman -Sy
(confirm if prompted, this is equivalent to apt-get-update on Debian)
[root@archb3 ~]# pacman -S apache
(confirm if prompted, this is equivalent to apt-get-upgrade ... on Debian)
Bring all packages (userspace and kernel) bang up to date:
Code: Select all
[root@archb3 ~]# pacman -Syu
(confirm if prompted; like apt-get update && apt-get upgrade on Debian)