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by r.schreurs
03 Jul 2013, 08:04
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Manual for the new backup feature?
Replies: 4
Views: 7357

Manual for the new backup feature?


I just upgraded my Bubba 2 (which in on B3 platform) to version 2.6.

I noticed that there is a new Backup feature , but it may have been there for a while already.

The options are very limited, so I wondered if the settings could be tweaked somehow. For instance, I would like to back-up ...
by r.schreurs
27 Feb 2013, 07:09
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Bubba/fetchmail vs SheevaPlug/getmail
Replies: 1
Views: 4480

Re: Bubba/fetchmail vs SheevaPlug/getmail

If still of relevance to you, or any other reader, I would start with inspecting the mail log.

Go to http://bubba/admin/settings/logs, select mail.log and click Show.

I see entries marked "bubba fetchmail" when the bubba looks for mail on the remote server where my incoming mail is stored ...
by r.schreurs
14 Feb 2013, 14:39
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Duplicity problems - groing large and no list in web interfa
Replies: 7
Views: 12765

Looking forward to proper backup support

Hi Johannes,

I would be great to have proper backup support in Bubba. I experience the same problems as gonk and have never felt I could trust the backup mechanism.

R. Schreurs
by r.schreurs
25 Aug 2012, 04:45
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Bubba|2 brought to B3 platform not visible in network
Replies: 1
Views: 4303

Solved: Bubba|2 brought to B3 platform not visible in networ

This morning, I decided to just to the re-installation once more and after that, Bubba has popped up in the network. :D
by r.schreurs
21 Aug 2012, 16:27
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Bubba|2 brought to B3 platform not visible in network
Replies: 1
Views: 4303

Bubba|2 brought to B3 platform not visible in network

I am trying to get my Bubba|2 up and running again, after upgrading it to the B3 platform. Installation appears to have worked fine, but Bubba is not seen in the network. What can I do to solve this? Its blue LED is steadily on and the network LED's blink when a cable is plugged in.

I followed the ...
by r.schreurs
16 Aug 2012, 16:41
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B2 op 2.0.5 reports up to date
Replies: 1
Views: 4334

B2 op 2.0.5 reports up to date

Occasionally, I have my Bubba|2 check for updates through the webinterface. Sometimes new version have been installed, but it has been quite a while now.

Today, I visited the forum and saw release notes of a version 2.5 .

My Bubba doesn't seem to notice the new release.

When I visit the status ...
by r.schreurs
05 Dec 2011, 07:11
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Logitech Media Server
Replies: 9
Views: 11629

Re: Logitech Media Server should also ask yourself the question whether staying 'bleeding edge' on the squeezecenter software is really that important...

I have, until now, always accepted a lag. Recently, however, my handset forces an update when switching between my music collection and Internetradio, as ...
by r.schreurs
02 Feb 2011, 08:18
Forum: Bubba Server Feature requests
Topic: Stop torrents when uploaded enough
Replies: 1
Views: 12925

Stop torrents when uploaded enough

I use Bubba to receive torrents, see locally: http://bubba/admin/downloads .

I would like Bubba to stop uploading for a torrent when it has been received completely and I have uploaded enough, say 150% of the original size.

This is what, e.g. the Bittorrent client, allows me to configure.

It will ...
by r.schreurs
02 Feb 2011, 08:10
Forum: Bubba Server Feature requests
Topic: Solar powered?
Replies: 2
Views: 14867

Re: Solar powered? Mine is!

I think the most efficient way to have your Bubba solar powered for the sake of saving energy, is to just put some solar panels on your roof. I have 5 panels, 95 Watt max each, producing about 1/3 of my average electricity consumption.

Of course, it is another matter if you want your Bubba to run ...
by r.schreurs
02 Dec 2010, 09:47
Forum: Feedback
Topic: Receiving SPAM on e-mailadres used in this forum
Replies: 8
Views: 26045

Re: Receiving SPAM on e-mailadres used in this forum

The issue has been solved. I now see <author> (r.schreurs)</author>, so not my personal email address. Thanks :)
by r.schreurs
23 Nov 2010, 15:54
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Upgrade squeezebox server?
Replies: 2
Views: 5988

Upgrade squeezebox server?

I have some problems with the performance and stability of squeezebox server. Slow menu navigation and time-outs (cannot connect to Bubba) in the remote control. I thought an update might be available.

http://bubba/admin/settings/software currently reports squeezecenter 7.5.1.dfsg1-5.
However ...
by r.schreurs
17 Nov 2010, 15:50
Forum: Feedback
Topic: Receiving SPAM on e-mailadres used in this forum
Replies: 8
Views: 26045

Re: Receiving SPAM on e-mailadres used in this forum

Well, visibility in the RSS feed clarifies how the address was found. Still I think the forum owner, Excito, should not publish email addresses. This discussion on the phpBB community site could help preventing this in the future.
by r.schreurs
17 Nov 2010, 05:53
Forum: Feedback
Topic: Receiving SPAM on e-mailadres used in this forum
Replies: 8
Views: 26045

Receiving SPAM on e-mailadres used in this forum

Hello all,

Since yesterday, SPAM is being send to one of my e-mail addresses. I used this address exclusively for this forum. Apparently, the address list of this forum has been stolen and is now being misused...


R. Schreurs
by r.schreurs
08 Oct 2010, 16:05
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Reinstalling Bubba TWO fails, what next?
Replies: 2
Views: 5183

Reinstalling Bubba TWO fails, what next?

Some week ago, I could no longer access my Bubba over the network. I made it shut down and restart by pressing the button. The LED kept blinking at a 1 Hz rate, or so. I made several attempts to reboot is, but to no avail.

I decided to reinstall, following instruction in the manual

When powering ...
by r.schreurs
30 Jun 2010, 15:12
Forum: Bubba Server Feature requests
Topic: Option to leave mail on POP server for some days.
Replies: 1
Views: 12371

Option to leave mail on POP server for some days.

I use my Bubba TWO to store my e-mail on the IMAP server. The mail is retrieved by Bubba from several POP3 accounts. I have once choice: "Leave email copy on server", yes/no

If I look at the Thunderbird e-mail client, I can specify the number of days to leave the mail on the server. I would find ...