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the folder to which duplicity stores its backup files has >156000 files in it created since the backup job was created 2012-10-05
the folder where duplicity keeps it data has grown to 771 GB
1) How am I supposed to be able to restore from a backup using the web interface?
2) Does the web interface set up duplicity jobs to do some kind of pruning of the backup data, e.g. keep last 14 days of daily backup, every decond day data for the next 30 days back, one set per week for another 3 months and monthly after that or does it keep al daily backups?
3) Can I edit an existing bakcup job to exclude one or several folders?
4) How much disk space should I plan for in order to be able to fit the backups?
While gracefully avoiding some of your detailed questions (since I don't have the answer) I can say that we are working on an updated backup solution, mainly since duplicity - as you have found out - works quite bad when data grows too big. Duplicity is excellent at handling documents over long timelines but since people nowadays backup stuff quite differently it is no longer optimal.
We have a prototype of a new backup solution ready and in testing (still not entirely feature complete though) which is a much simpler sync-style backup. Coming in our next release.
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
I do a lot of rsync on and from the B3 but haven't found any decent and compatible Windows port of rsync.
The one available in cygwin fails when syncing to B3.
I do a *lot* of cygwin-rsync to linux machines without hassle. BackupAssist even uses it for enterprise backup solutions. I never have issues with rync, so Could you please elaborate on the problems you are experiencing? Maybe there is an easy solution.
I would be great to have proper backup support in Bubba. I experience the same problems as gonk and have never felt I could trust the backup mechanism.
Sincerelly I find it sad to get an answer from Excito that doesn't cover any of the topics and questions.
0) is there a way to set a higher time out than 120 seconds for the web server to respond to the AJAX request?
1) How am I supposed to be able to restore from a backup using the web interface?
2) Does the web interface set up duplicity jobs to do some kind of pruning of the backup data, e.g. keep last 14 days of daily backup, every decond day data for the next 30 days back, one set per week for another 3 months and monthly after that or does it keep al daily backups?
3) Can I edit an existing backup job to exclude one or several folders?
4) How much disk space should I plan for in order to be able to fit the backups?
Someone at Excito ought to know, to be able to answer and provide customers service on the solutions that Excito has integrated in the software delivered...
johannes wrote:We have a prototype of a new backup solution ready and in testing (still not entirely feature complete though) which is a much simpler sync-style backup. Coming in our next release.
I'm curious to hear when this new release will be available
... and would like to add some expectatons that it will be capalbe to detect already compressed file formats and not spend CPU on gzipping those
I.e. JPEG and NEF files from my Nikon cameras occupy some 400+ GB and you can probably imagine the time taken for duplicity to make the initial backup of all those given the CPU performance in B3.