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Front led blinks yellow for hours - can't access Bubba

Posted: 08 Apr 2008, 14:52
by gavinbailey
My Bubba has been working perfectly for months however whilst I was away for a few weeks I noticed I was unable to access Bubba wia webmail as normal. My customised bubba front page only partially loaded and trying to access Ilohamail or the config menus returned a 'port 80' access not allowed or something similar (can't quite rememebr). On returning home I found the Bubba fromt led blinking yellow and ouldn't see the bubba on my lan or access e-mail. I've tried removing the power and allowing it to reboot several times and the red led inside blinks and I hear hard disk activity initially however after 30 seconds or so nothing - just a yellow blinking LED and nothing for hours - even overnight. Any suggestions as it appears to have been downloading e-mail from my accounts normally whilst I was away and I don't want to lose anything I haven't yet seen by rebuilding it. I have a 320gb drive by the way.


Posted: 10 Apr 2008, 17:44
by Cheeseboy
Hi gavinbailey,

I do not know what might be causing what you describe, but after monitoring these forums for about a year, I have seen several similar posts where the solution has been "Oh, I let it cool down for a couple of hours after I unplugged it, and then it worked." I can not even begin to try to understand why that would be, but there you go... Give it a try.




Posted: 11 Apr 2008, 06:14
by gavinbailey
Niklas - thanks. I had already tried this and decided to try a fresh install of the minimal image. After trying a number of different USB drives (and ensuring that both image files were on the drive - the notes do not make it clear that this is necessary), I managed to get the Bubba up and running. Don't know what happened to make it crash in the first place though. Was a little concerned that someone had hacked into my system and managed to re-direct all my e-mail using the Bubba settings to their own account even though my e-mail and Bubba config passwords were secure!!! The only mistake I made was to allow my IMAP outlook to synchronise with the clean Bubba and wipe all my e-mails on the local outlook thus I lost all my e-mail sincethe last backup from both the Bubba and the local outlook (aaarrrghhh!!). I've had a good dig around looking for a local outlook backup of the outlook mail file on my PC but can't find it unless anyone knows where I should look or has any ideas?

Posted: 12 Apr 2008, 12:45
by johannes
What "two image files" are you referring to regarding the minimal image? Only the "bubba.img" is required.