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ETC immage and HD Wd 400
Posted: 29 Mar 2008, 12:26
by paolol61
Hi , got a new 400G WD and switched the old one, to try the new version of OS, all was Ok and is working fine, but I got ONLY 10 Gb of HD

instead of 400 or at list 350
Any idea ???
I will swap the disk to the old one, so no big deal, just want you to know.

Posted: 29 Mar 2008, 14:27
by John W
If you are using the "light-image" you'll have to manually format the data-partition on the drive.
Code: Select all
mkfs.ext3 -L "Bubba home" /dev/hda2
tune2fs -c0 -i0 /dev/hda2
And then mount it.
You could also add this line to /etc/fstab to have it mounted automaticly at startup.
Code: Select all
/dev/hda2 /home ext3 noatime,defaults 0 2
Posted: 30 Mar 2008, 15:43
by pa
The web interface only shows the size of the first partition, not both.
In the etch release, the disk is formatted as two partitions in order to be able to reinstall the system without loosing user data.
Only the root partition is shown, not the user partition.
Posted: 30 Mar 2008, 17:08
by paolol61
Thanks to both.
So if I mount again the disk I will have a 10Gb partition for the OS 1Gb for swap and the rest will be user ??
If so, how I know how much space I have ?? do I have to change some code in the WEB interface ??
Posted: 31 Mar 2008, 01:04
by pa
You should be able to get the size of the user partition by changing in the file "/usr/share/web-admin/index.php". There is a section where "disk_free_space" is called on the "/" partition. If you change this (and the corresponding disk_total_space") to "/home" you should get the correct user space available.
Posted: 31 Mar 2008, 04:50
by paolol61
Thanks a lot, I will try on the next weekend

Posted: 05 Apr 2008, 06:32
by paolol61
Thanks it works

Now I see
365 163 disk size total
346 417 disk free space
All seem OK

I put this on work , hope all will be ok