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UPS Equipment

Posted: 29 Dec 2007, 11:17
by The Irish Wolfhound
I would like to protect my Bubba and my router and modem against power failure. A simple UPS will do the trick but I would very much like to know if anyone has experience of a more complete answer which would automatically power down the server after a given time?

This is well established in the Windows X86 environment but so far I have not seen an answer which would work with the Bubba.

Any advice or feedback would be much appreciated.

with thanks and best wishes for the New Year,


Posted: 30 Dec 2007, 03:11
by ian
This is a good question. I have just installed a UPS (mainly because I alreday had a "spare" one), and I guess that it should have enough capacity to power the bubba for a couple of hours in the case of a power-cut, but it would be nice to if the bubba were able to automatically power down...

Cheers, Ian.

Posted: 01 Jan 2008, 14:01
by tor

We actually have done some testing on this. And the power part of course works fine.

Regardins the automatic powerdown. This should work, but we however miss one module to get it up and running. (I dont remember which one though) Apart from that there is software support for this in Debian.


Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 13:19
by Magnus
Debian has support for UPS units from APC. Read more about it here:

As Tor said it does not work at the moment but in a SW upgrade in the very near future this will be supported.


UPS Progress?

Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 17:30
by chrisbessant

I'd love to know if there has been any more progress on getting APC UPSs communicate work with the bubba?

Is there any news on this?

Thanks all!

Magnus wrote:Debian has support for UPS units from APC. Read more about it here:

As Tor said it does not work at the moment but in a SW upgrade in the very near future this will be supported.


Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 16:47
by bigjtu
Magnus wrote:As Tor said it does not work at the moment but in a SW upgrade in the very near future this will be supported.
Is the SW upgrade still under construction? I too have all my life's important data stored away in my Bubba, and I'm scared a sudden outage might blow it up. :)

I guess it'd be safe to assume that the APC UPSes are the ones that are going to be supported so I can buy one even though there's no shutdown support yet.

Posted: 11 Jul 2008, 07:05
by RonaldJ
I use a simple UPS, that's just for brown-outs and black-outs that don't last too long. But with the power consumption of Bubba a UPS can last very long... If it last too long, it is simple to shutdown the Bubba by hand before the UPS goes down.

Posted: 26 Jul 2008, 10:55
by estorino
Any word on UPS support for the original bubba?