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Resuming BitTorrent downloads
Posted: 05 Feb 2007, 13:43
by doraemon
I had quite a few (around 10 I guess) torrents downloading, when I wanted to cancel one. After I pressed cancel, the webpage froze and I could no longer enter the Bubba Web administration.
After leaving it for 24 hours I finally rebooted the Bubba.
When it started again my downloads where gone.
Any idea what went wrong?
And most importantly, how do I resume my downloads?
PS. I was using bubbalibre's dllist.php, but that only changes the design, right?
Posted: 05 Feb 2007, 14:50
by lelle
Hi doraemon,
I've had the same problem several times when downloading only 3-4 files simultaneously.
I did a "killall ftd" (as root) and restarted Apache, but then I had to download the files from the beginning again. Looks like a problem with the ftd daemon.
Posted: 06 Feb 2007, 11:09
by doraemon
Ok. So, the bottom line is I can't resume my downloads?
That sucks...
Can something be done about this?
Re: Resuming BitTorrent downloads
Posted: 06 Feb 2007, 15:31
by bubbalibre
doraemon wrote:...the webpage froze and I could no longer enter the Bubba Web administration.
I had this problem a couple of times too.
doraemon wrote:PS. I was using bubbalibre's dllist.php, but that only changes the design, right?
Right. I didn't want to have headaches each time there's an upgrade.

Posted: 06 Feb 2007, 16:12
by tor
Hi all,
Regarding the Download manager. We do have a hard to track down bug in that. Which results in the ftd process crashing. And unfortunately that meens that if you are on the download page. That page will autorefresh and then try to connect to the now dead ftd process. When doing this php hangs, waiting for a reply and thus takes down all access to php pages with it.
We would love to find an easy to reproduce scenario that triggers this behaviour. So if you have a guaranteed way to crash the downloader please tell us.
Regarding resume. Its correct that we have not yet implemented that, its on the list. But a tip, at least if you are doing torrent downloads, is if you just add the same torrent as before the crash they will start of where they where before the crash.
Posted: 06 Feb 2007, 17:42
by doraemon
Ok. Thanks. It's a little comfort at least that you don't have to start the download from scratch

Now to find those damned torrents again...
Posted: 07 Feb 2007, 05:32
by lelle
Hi tor,
Maybe you can try to reproduce this by connecting Bubba to a high speed internet connection and download at least 3 very active (lots of leechers/seeders) torrents, pushing the network interface the limit?
It looks to me that this can cause ftd to crash, at least it has for me several times.