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Newsleech function
Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 12:37
by involver
Wouldn't it be great to just 'drop' NZB files in a designated directory and Bubba wil get the files from the newsgroups? Better yet, let it extract the rar's into the storage folder!
Posted: 06 Sep 2007, 05:20
by Ernest
That would be really great! I'm looking forward to it!

Posted: 06 Sep 2007, 05:58
by Ubi
Binary sharing over newsgroups is probably the most unethical form of P2P computing. Not only has it pretty much no legal use (in contrast to bittorrent), it also heavily abuses the news servers which need to store store the binary files (in contrast to bittorrent) and are provided free of charge.
So I hope this form of network abuse will not be promoted by bubba developers.
Posted: 07 Sep 2007, 05:10
by Ernest
Ubi wrote:Binary sharing over newsgroups is probably the most unethical form of P2P computing. Not only has it pretty much no legal use (in contrast to bittorrent), it also heavily abuses the news servers which need to store store the binary files (in contrast to bittorrent) and are provided free of charge.
That's a whole different discussion you've got there, Ubi. Do you really think bittorrent is used for more legal use than newsgroups?? Come on!
The servers which are most used to download binaries are payservers and setup to download binaries.
Posted: 10 Sep 2007, 16:35
by involver
The need (and use) of downloading posts from news servers is nothing illegal, no more than it is to upload or download using P2P software. Only the content can be illegal, this however has nothing to do with Excito, Bubba or it's development. It's up to the user to do things that are not legal. And if you want to do something against this, stopping Bubba's development is not very usefull. Hell, why not stop selling LAN harddisk alltogether? How many people do you think acquire 250G of legal MP3's? Or have 250G of holiday video's? Bubba is a media server. And you could even install any not payed for application (read: hacked) on it... So what's your point? Do you have any illegal software on your PC?
Now, how about some news leecher software on our little bubba!?