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B3 purchase

Posted: 15 Oct 2019, 16:37
by thunder

I need to purchase 5/10 B3 server, anyone can help me. I need to shipping in Italy. By I can't shopping, the shipping is unavailable.


Re: B3 purchase

Posted: 15 Oct 2019, 20:33
by MouettE
Hello thunder,

Send an email to directly to ask for this.

Re: B3 purchase

Posted: 16 Oct 2019, 03:55
by thunder

I write an email I hope there is a solution. I have many customer with B3 on my platform.

Re: B3 purchase

Posted: 16 Oct 2019, 13:18
by thunder
Rodeus do not reply

Have you another solution?

Re: B3 purchase

Posted: 16 Oct 2019, 23:35
by Stryker
first: give them a bit more time than merely 24 hours.

If you don't mind buying used, I own two B3s (1 WLAN, 1 LAN) in Germany (cheap shipping + Type C plug!) that I am willing to part with.
I am pretty sure both still work, but I will check. I know that one of them has a slightly defective RGB LED, such that it cannot display the color blue anymore.
They also come without a HDD, but you can fit any and just copy the OS you want to run on the disk. I mostly used MouettE's vanilla Debian.
edit: both sold

Re: B3 purchase

Posted: 24 Nov 2019, 13:08
by goodgirl
Hi Stryker, hi thunder,

I have no idea if stryker sold his B3 to you, thunder, or if you bought from Rodeus. If thunder did not want to buy used equipment, I would be interested in a B3 box (within Germany).

Thank you and regards

Re: B3 purchase

Posted: 09 Dec 2019, 21:36
by UdfnYkyOj7F
Need WLAN B3? New in boxes from maybe 8 years ago. Ship from USA.
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