Bubbagen live-USB for B3 updated
Posted: 06 Apr 2017, 03:02
I've just released versions 1.9.1 (OpenRC) and 1.9.6 (Systemd) of the Bubbagen live-USB image for B3 on GitHub. The kernel has had a minor update to sublevel 39 which was selected as stable version by the Gentoo devs.
Like the original Gentoo live-USB by Sakaki you can burn these images to a USB key that is at least 8GiB in size. Beware that the u-boot system on the B3 is rather 'antique' and there may be issues with modern USB keys. I suggest you find the cheapest 8GiB key you can find (the ones with the U-shaped metal 'protector' / branding always seem to work).
Changes to this release:
¹) Some packages withheld: layman was kept at 2.0.0-r3 because 2.4.2 segfaults on the B3 and Gnome networkmanager (systemd) at 1.0.12-r1 to allow the B3 to have a fall-back IP address. Older masks also still apply.
I've just released versions 1.9.1 (OpenRC) and 1.9.6 (Systemd) of the Bubbagen live-USB image for B3 on GitHub. The kernel has had a minor update to sublevel 39 which was selected as stable version by the Gentoo devs.
Like the original Gentoo live-USB by Sakaki you can burn these images to a USB key that is at least 8GiB in size. Beware that the u-boot system on the B3 is rather 'antique' and there may be issues with modern USB keys. I suggest you find the cheapest 8GiB key you can find (the ones with the U-shaped metal 'protector' / branding always seem to work).
Changes to this release:
- Fixes to the web admin, including reinstating the restriction for admin login on WAN interface
- PHP was upgraded to version 7.0
- filetransferdaemon (uploads and downloads) now also runs with newer libtorrent-rasterbar
- All¹ packages synced against the Gentoo tree @ April 5, 2017
¹) Some packages withheld: layman was kept at 2.0.0-r3 because 2.4.2 segfaults on the B3 and Gnome networkmanager (systemd) at 1.0.12-r1 to allow the B3 to have a fall-back IP address. Older masks also still apply.