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Can´t connect to my B3 by typing b3..

Posted: 10 Nov 2014, 01:18
by Marcus
I just changed my ISP and got a new router with good performance, so i decided to change my WIFI B3 from the router mode to server only. My problem is that I cant find it if I type B3 in the browser, but if i use the IP number I find it. It´s the same symptom if I want to map a drive in the windows explorer.

Any sugestions?


Re: Can´t connect to my B3 by typing b3..

Posted: 10 Nov 2014, 14:14
by lymon
you could add it to your host file on your windows PC (\windows\system32\drivers\etc\host)

example: localhost B3

(change the ip-address to the correct ip-address of the B3 in your situation)

Re: Can´t connect to my B3 by typing b3..

Posted: 10 Nov 2014, 16:07
by Gordon
Did you set a fixed IP on your B3? If you did, then your new router which will be DHCP and DNS for your local network won't know about it and consequently not return an IP if you query that name. Adding it to the hosts file on your workstation is one option to circumvent the problem, the better option is to add the B3 address as a static address in your router. You'll need to search the manual for that particular router whether you can add it directly as a static DNS entry or that it needs to request a DHCP address which can be given a fixed assignment.