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Is Easyfind down?

Posted: 26 Sep 2014, 17:06
by madmud

Recent problem: My B3 is noticing the change of IP address (from a forced reboot of my router) but external access is still not working. Any thoughts?

Re: Is Easyfind down?

Posted: 28 Sep 2014, 09:00
by OlivierC
Yes, Easyfind service is currently down
:( ... 662#p26082

How to reconfigure B3 to use the new ntp pool?

Windows user here,
Please be as detailed as possible in your instructions.

Re: Is Easyfind down?

Posted: 28 Sep 2014, 09:21
by Ubi
There is not really a point in changing this except to legal reasons regarding ownership of the excito name. The NTP service will not drop due to Excito being in bankruptcy,

If you still insist, then you log into the SSH shell of the bubba and edit the file named "/etc/ntp.conf" where you replace
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst


server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst

Re: Is Easyfind down?

Posted: 28 Sep 2014, 10:12
by OlivierC
Currently, when i click button Update Easyfind through web GUI:
Settings > Identity > Easyfind options

nothing happened (no update message) and i can't access

It was working one week ago.

I tried from shell to launch
Updating IP on file.
Can't open /etc/network/easyfind.conf : Permission denied at /usr/lib/web-admin/ line 88.
I have a dynamic IP address assigned by ISP renewed after one week (duration max 7 days) and hope to be able to continue using this functionality (Easyfind).

Re: Is Easyfind down?

Posted: 28 Sep 2014, 10:32
by johannes
We will try to fix this tomorrow. I will keep you updated.

Re: Is Easyfind down?

Posted: 28 Sep 2014, 10:43
by OlivierC
Thanks for keeping us informed.

Re: Is Easyfind down?

Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 08:55
by Banan
Hi Y'all,

Are the easyfind ( down temporarily or permanently ?

Best Regards Bjorn

Re: Is Easyfind down?

Posted: 23 Nov 2014, 04:48
by OlivierC
I noticed the same.

Since Excito bankruptcy, UBI has successfully managed keeping 'Easyfind' location service online.

Forum was last visited by UBI:
21 Nov 2014, 15:07

Hope he will connect again on forum soon, reading news posts (especially this one) and restore service availability quickly.

Re: Is Easyfind down?

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 05:25
by Gordon
MouettE may in fact know more, and be able to do more, since he's involved with the party that took over the Excito brand and domains. At present, it appears that all self-owned servers of Excito have been shut down and this includes the name servers for the myownb?.com domains. This may very well be permanent, depending on whether the new owner allows Ubi to change some of the addresses to point to his servers, but also if Ubi is still allowed to service these commercially owned domains.

Re: Is Easyfind down?

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 12:12
by MouettE
As a matter of fact I don't know much more than you do. We have indeed taken over the domains but we didn't touch any of the DNS domains configuration. We just made sure that everything was paid for the next six month. The name servers for myownb*.com are and and both points to adresses in sweden. I don't really know how Ubi and johaness organized the whole thing. Let's hope that they will hang around here in the next few days !

Re: Is Easyfind down?

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 13:20
by Gordon
AFAIK all the servers were in the cloud and I suppose they were taken down when Excito stopped paying for them. Ubi did copy all of the content to two of his own servers, but only transferred - I think not even with the intention of leaving it that way, but as a test to see what impact the easyfind service would have on CPU usage. Theoretically bringing easyfind back up should be as simple as relocating the DNS records for the servers to Ubi's servers at Ideeel, but as said there may be other - non technical - issues that prevent this.

Re: Is Easyfind down?

Posted: 25 Nov 2014, 16:16
by johannes
I think Ubi has to clarify this, but if I remember correctly the technical parts of the migration is done now, right? Including and it's "production" database (managing authentication of the B3's requesting the IP change). I think the remaining part is managing the domains, Ubi wasn't happy to continue using * since the community didn't have control over them, and chaning domains requires updating the B2/B3 software, which in turn is a some work someone has to do. But now with MouettE taking over these, this might be considered solved? Keeping those domains would for sure make things easier.

Re: Is Easyfind down?

Posted: 25 Nov 2014, 16:23
by MouettE
I think I can convince Rodeus people to transfer these domains to Ubi's control. No guarantee here but if Ubi is ok it would probably be the simplest solution.

Re: Is Easyfind down?

Posted: 26 Nov 2014, 05:21
by johannes
I forgot to mention it but another issue is that we need people chipping in with work, perhaps mainly IT admin work, to help Ubi out. He has already spent a significant amount of time backing up and setting up clones of the Excito servers, and I assume he would appreciate a helping hand. He has to clarify what work exactly himself though.

Re: Is Easyfind down?

Posted: 26 Nov 2014, 15:24
by Ubi
Sorry was away for a few days. The replacement easyfind is completely active depending on dns changes I will read the above comments now