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Bubba Music Server
Posted: 29 Jul 2007, 10:14
by mattias
Howdy! I had a plan of using my Bubba as a music server by using a LineX Wireless Audio device (USB FM transmitter) and MPD (Music Player Daemon). However when I play VBR MP3 files the decoding is too slow (regular MP3s work fine). My assumption is that the CPU in Bubba is to slow to be able to do VBR MP3 decoding properly. But since I have no idea of how much the ARM processor should be able to cope with I thought I'd ask here if my assumption is correct, or if it is more likely that I have misconfigured something, or if anyone has some ideas of what I could do to optimize performance in some way.
Has anyone else tried something similar with more success than me?
Posted: 29 Jul 2007, 11:10
by osa
I use bubba as internet radio player (shoutcast) with success. The problem is, when decoding mp3s float point operations are made by math coprocessor. But bubba has only float point emulation which is slow. The solution is to use integer based decoder, such as Madplay As i remember it is availiable is Debian Sarge repository.
I use USB 2.0 Audio Adapter (ID 0d8c:000c C-Media Electronics, Inc. no-name) and madplay uses less than 30% of cpu!
Posted: 29 Jul 2007, 12:09
by mattias
Thanks for your reply. It gave me some confidence to make a few more tests, and now it works like a dream.
Posted: 17 Jul 2008, 09:10
by janjochum
I also want to use Bubba as a music player. What does it take?
I need a usb audio card. Will any suffice?
Do I need to change the kernel?
Which Debian packages do I need to install?
Re: Bubba Music Server
Posted: 28 Sep 2013, 15:08
by mike_nl
I was busy again with the music player deamon (mpd) and it is
working again as a hell. My Terratec USB Sound Stick and
a 5x 120 W sound installation have made my day today.
That was house party at all after i fugured out that the output is not default.
It was the speaker value. It costs me 1 hour to find it back in my own archive.
If someone interested i will publish the way of working. Johannes has
asked me a while ago but there was no time. But now i will when
someone is interested and because i have time now.
As player i have the Droid MPD Player on my phone and my tab.