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No internet connection after reboot

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 01:08
by Madnick
Hello gurus.

I'm on firmware on my B3. Using it in router/server/firewall mode.
Up time was some 45 days since last reboot, when I noticed one of my USB drives had gone unvisible. Well offcourse I did the obvious and restarted everything after what all seemed fine again, except... NO INTERNET!

So I went to the GUI and everything looked fine for WAN IP. Decided to try manual settings instead of service providers DHCP... and still same problem.
Then I tried to change the WAN IP, Netmask, Default GW and DNS to something else, only to notice that I CAN NOT change the Default Gateway! It always falls back to the previous setting (in this case, no matter what I do in the GUI.
When I disconnect the WAN cable from the B3 and plug the same into my laptop, I get different addresses for everything except for the DNS.
I logged in with SSH and became su, then I tried to "ifconfig eth0" and then "ifdown eth0" and "ifup eth0", that did not help. Still same addresses for WAN.

Any ideas?

Re: No internet connection after reboot

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 05:31
by Gordon

Code: Select all

dhclient -v eth0

Re: No internet connection after reboot

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 08:31
by Madnick
It does not change anything. Same IP and so on... (This might be service provider related too ofcourse)
If I unplug the WAN cable, everything goes to except the DNS.
It's still showing the service providers DNS. I wonder if that is normal?

I need to check the modem.
Pitty I don't have an other bridged modem to try with. :-(

Edit: After modem replacement everything was fine again.