Possible to recover from kernel panic?!
Posted: 08 Jan 2014, 11:28
( forum.excito.net/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=303 )tor wrote:Hi,
A late comment on reinstalling the kernel.
osa, you are on the right track. With a zImage for bubba. Installing it is "as simple as"A big WARNINIG here. If the kernel image is not correct. Your bubba will not boot again since a working kernel is essential for operation. And getting the unit operational is complicatede and involves some HW tweaks. (Maybe time for a howto on this as well, if any of the HW guys have time for it)Code: Select all
dd if=/path/to/zImage of=/dev/mtd1
In this post from a long time ago there is some talk about it being possible to recover from a kernel panic with some HW thinkering. Could this information be reveiled now.
In the spirit of open-source and also because it is fun, i think the final decision when to retire a B1 should be left to the hacker

Best Regards
Working on some guides to make a B1 usefull - at the wiki: User_talk:Jonas_Oestman/Howto/RawLenny