E-mail sync from IlohaMail to Windows Mobile 5 device
Posted: 28 Jun 2007, 16:33
Hi - wondered if anyone had any experience or comments on whether the above is do-able? I currently have a windows mobile 5 device syncing via GPRS with a Windows server running 2003 small business so that I get my office e-mails and diary synced between the network and my mobile 5 device. The server pushes out e-mail, contacts & appointments periodically and syncs both ways.
I wondered if this was possible via IlohaMail on bubba using something like http://www.funambol.com/?
I'm the first to admit that although I'm handy with a PC I wouldn't know where to start with Debian on the Bubba and in fact as I am on back-order for the device I couldn't start anyway even if I knew what to do!
Hopefully someone has some views or can help?
Gavin Bailey
I wondered if this was possible via IlohaMail on bubba using something like http://www.funambol.com/?
I'm the first to admit that although I'm handy with a PC I wouldn't know where to start with Debian on the Bubba and in fact as I am on back-order for the device I couldn't start anyway even if I knew what to do!
Hopefully someone has some views or can help?
Gavin Bailey