Hi Jocke,
I've done this twice (from Bubba Server to B2, then from B2 to B3).
I think I have just used rsync every time to sync /home to the new machine. I set up a cron job to resync all the user directories (except admin!) every night whilst I re-implemented all the changes I had made to the previous machine to the new one (this took about two months when the B3 came). When everything was up and running on the B3, I just swapped the IP address in the DNS.
I can't remember how I migrated the actual /etc/passwd etcetera: that was the least of the problem, but something similar to some of the steps in the the link you posted. Here is another one (look for Debian):
http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-move ... ew-server/
Again, only some of the steps in the article applied to me, because the user home directories where already in sync.
Note that both articles mention the user's mail directory under /var/spool. On the bubbas it is actually in the user's home directory.
Be careful when moving the admin user directory - or rather: don't. At least not without a close inspection first.
It contains hidden config files that might not be good for the new machine, or even worse overwrite the config files with the same names that are meant to be on the new machine.
To summarize:
Get it up and running, get everything working, test it,
then test it again (sorry - I work in tech support), then worry about the users (if you can that is)... And don't create any new users on the new machine before all is done, or they will clash with the UIDs and/or GUIDs of the old ones.
If you get it right, the worst thing for them would be to have to log in with a new default password and reset it.
If you do it quickly (all in one go) the worst (and most probable) thing that will happen is that everyone loses everything.
So be careful. And thorough.